Co-curricular - Senior Sport

ISA Touch Representatives

Congratulations to the following students who have recently gained selection to represent the ISA (Independent Sporting Association) in Touch Football.

  • ISA U16 Touch Football: Bryan Nader
  • ISA Opens Touch Football: Alex Conti, Jacob Digiglio and Mitchell Woods

Baseball Grand Finals

Unfortunately, last Saturday’s RHBL U16s Grand Final was cancelled due to the inclement weather. As per RHBL playing conditions, teams with higher point/quotient were declared this year’s winners. Unfortunately for our U16 Gold Team, they finished second in their competition and were awarded Runners Up.  


On a positive note, our First IX Baseball were able to play their Grand Final last Tuesday 22 March and came away as undefeated champions. Congratulations!! 

Winter Sport  

The first round of Winter Sport for the Senior School will occur on Saturday 2 April against Trinity Grammar. At this point in time, all fixtures are set to be played, however, depending on trials going ahead this week with inclement weather, there may be possible changes to fixtures, and trials may continue into the weekend. 


Winter Sport Trial schedules can be viewed on the sports notice boards around the College and Team App (Documents tab). 


Daniel Mifsud

Acting Head of Secondary Sport