Family & Community Engagement

Our Lady of Fatima is a community where the teachings of Jesus Christ are reflected and practised, where all children are empowered to develop to their full potential.



Tomorrow we are very excited to be celebrating Harmony Day. We will commence the morning with a special Harmony Day liturgy in the hall. Throughout the day, the children will participate in many fun activities linked to the theme of diversity and inclusiveness, including  a Crazy Colour Fun Run. This is a fundraising event organised by the Parent Association where all money raised will go towards resources for our lunchtime club. Families can create a student profile page at

Children will need to wear white or light coloured clothing to school, for example a white 

t-shirt and shorts (any colour shorts are ok). Please remember to pack a clean school uniform for your child to change into after the run and a plastic bag for the coloured clothes. The rainbow of colours we will see on the day adds to our celebration of diversity and inclusion. 


Parents and carers are most welcome to attend our Colour Fun Run and are required to follow the MACS COVID-19 Vaccinations guidelines. Please know evidence of vaccination is required on arrival. 

Those who are excepted persons must have a valid medical exception on arrival to enter school buildings or attend a school event. 

Examples of evidence of this includes:

a current COVID-19 digital certificate issued by Services Australia and displayed through the Medicare app, Service Victoria app or equivalent; 

OR  a printed version of the certificate referenced above.


Please know evidence of exemption is required on arrival.

Please see the poster below for the fun run starting times for each year level. It’s going to be a wonderful day!




Fleur Koole 

Family and Community Engagement in Learning Liaison