Deputy Principal's News

“All children start their school careers with sparkling imaginations, fertile minds, and a willingness to take risks with what they think."

Sir Ken Robinson

Dear Fatima Community,


I’m really thrilled to share my first message with you all today! As your new deputy principal, I already feel part of the community and it has been wonderful to get to know the amazing students and families this term. Thank you for your warm welcome, but also for your flexibility and understanding as we have navigated the challenges this term. I am even starting to get some gorgeous notes and lots of kind words from the students every day - my bucket is already full!


This week we have seen the Fatima Way in action in so many ways! We have celebrated Harmony Week, culminating in our Colour Fun Run tomorrow. We have continued to discuss how we use our kind hearts, kind words and kind thoughts, and ways that we include others and celebrate our differences. So many students were ‘caught’ doing this, and our gotcha box is overflowing!


What’s new at Fatima?  


Garden magic

We welcomed our new extra pair of hands, Jeremiah, this week to take on the mighty task of spreading our ton of mulch around. It was wonderful to see so many of our students pick up a spade or fork and help him so readily without even being asked!  Along with Bill Carroll, our grounds are in excellent hands.



Our students are so lucky to have lots of clubs to go to in their lunch breaks as well as pop up play around the school several times a week. Our beautiful Hub is part of our clubs and students are eager to be part of it. Thank You to Mrs. Davidge, Miss Booker and Mrs. Ellwood for making this happen!


A canteen is coming!

Lots of discussion and planning has been going on behind the scenes to bring our school canteen back into operation, capably led by one of our amazing parents, Mel Semple. Thank you goes to Mel, Voelcker Sapolu & Liz Barnewall who spent a day cleaning and organising the canteen for the relaunch.  Please watch Skoobag for a survey about the types of things you would like to see on offer in the canteen. The start date is to be confirmed and will be shared with the community as soon as possible.


As part of our relaunch, we invite our students and families to come up with a new, 

catchy name for the canteen! Please send your ideas to me at by the end of term. Thanks!


Colour Fun Run is on tomorrow!!!!

Tomorrow our first ever Colour Fun Run is on! Thank you to everyone for fundraising and getting behind this incredible event. Special thanks to Fleur Koole (Community Engagement Leader) and Lisa Farrelly (Parents Association) for the countless hours of work that has gone into this major event!


As part of the day we are having a special Harmony Day Liturgy led by 3/4J. Parents in 3/4J are warmly invited to attend, along with parents of students receiving a Harmony Week award. Teachers have emailed the relevant parents.


Project Compassion Lenten Appeal

On Friday as part of our Harmony Day Liturgy, students are invited to bring a silver coin or two if they are able. Money raised will be donated to the Caritas ‘Project Compassion’ charity which does good works all around the world for people in need. You can also donate in one of the Caritas boxes in your child’s classroom or the office. 

Do come and say hi to me when you see me on the yard or on the crossing! 


Kind regards,

Gill Carr, Deputy Principal