Parents and Friends Association (PFA)
Fundraising at GRPS
Parents and Friends Association (PFA)
Fundraising at GRPS
Come along to the next meeting on Tuesday 5th April to find out how you can help. Look out for the Zoom Link via Compass.
Raffle Booklets have been sent home and contain 5 tickets priced at $1 each. We ask that you please return your money and ticket butts in the supplied envelopes.
Each ticket bundle returned must have a name and contact number on it so we know whose ticket is pulled out during the draw!! The raffle will be drawn at assembly in the last week of term. If you would like another booklet, please contact the office.
Thank you to the families that have already donated items for our raffle prizes. We are on track to have multiple prizes and are still accepting donations. Thank you for your generosity!
Donations can be sent with the children or dropped to the door. They will then be sent up to the office. Stay tuned for more news on our major prize!
Eight Artisan Bakers Burwood is once again offering us the opportunity to purchase fresh and delicious HOT Cross Buns and donuts to help raise funds for our school! We will receive $2.00 for every pack sold! Money raised will go towards improving and upgrading student furniture in classrooms.
Please note products will be distributed to students on Thursday 7th April.
We are selling:
Delicious Hot Cross Buns - 6 pack for only $6.50
Cinnamon Donuts - 6 pack for only $5.00
Remember to ask your friends and extended family to buy some too and for any allergy concerns feel free to call the Eight Artisan Bakers on 9808 0440.