Student of the Week

Awards for week beginning: Monday 14th March 2022 

00ALuke S - for consistently trying his best. Luke always shows respect in the classroom. He participates in every discussion and activity with positivity and thoughtfulness. You are a star, Luke!
00BJai M - for working really hard on his cutting skills. He has been taking his time and turning the paper (not the scissors), to carefully cut along the black lines. You are a wonderful learner Jai.
00CJoseph - for being an excellent learner and remembering how to say and write all the phonograms he has learnt. Keep up the awesome work Joseph!
00DEla A - for her wonderful effort when learning our phonograms. Well done Ela, you are doing a great job saying and writing the ones we have learnt, and I am so proud of you! 
1AChloe K - for showing perseverance. Well done completing your work when you thought you couldn't do it Chloe I am so proud of you
1BCaroline - for being a hard worker and enthusiastic learner each and every day at school.  
1CEmily - for always being a role model in the classroom. I appreciate the way you demonstrate our school values everyday. You are filling my bucket Emily, keep up the fantastic work! 
2BRam G - for always doing his best and showing the school values of being Respectful and a Responsible learner. Well done Ram.
2CJochebed L - for showing quiet confidence in all learning tasks and going out of her way to help her classmates in a caring and thoughtful manner.
3ADarius F - for being cool, calm and collected throughout the day.  Your easy going attitude helps others feel relaxed and safe. 
3BLexi C - for being such a super reader by reading at home nearly every night this term. Keep it up!
3CSusan L - for being a learner during our reading session by taking initiative to predict and wonder before reading a text.
4AAbby - for being such a kind and considerate classmate. We love having you in 4A!
4BTrisha S - for her consistent and dedicated effort to all learning tasks. We love seeing your smiling face each and every day!
4CJoel V - For always being an enthusiastic listener and learner. Your positive attitude and kind heart make 4C a better place to be. Thank you Joel!
5AMuang Pi - for coming in each morning and setting up the classroom ready for learning without being asked. Your initiative and help is much appreciated!
5BWilliam - for being well mannered, helpful and offering great suggestions when Miss Underhill was in your grade last week. 
5CPoppy D - for your consistent and committed approach to learning and for being a great friend to your new classmate.
6ADorcas - for smashing our 40 Book Project. Your joy of reading is infectious and I can’t wait to see you finish 100 (or more!) books this year! 
6CKisa E - for working hard to include ‘writer’s voice’ into his information report.

Nate I (2C)

Nate, bagus! Keep up your good learning attitude!

Yvie M (2C)

Yvie, you’re always ‘on fire’ when learning Indonesian! Keep the fire burning!

Visual Arts

Magnus W (5C) for being a respectful learner. You paid attention to directions and produced some outstanding samples of how to create tone using graphite pencils. You also took great care with the equipment when going ‘above and beyond’ at pack up time.

Raha Eslami Amirabadi (5A) for listening well to instructions and using what you had observed to great effect when making samples of how to create tone using graphite pencils. What an outstanding Learner!

Award being presented: Monday 21st March 2022 



00ASamuel - for working so hard on writing his name with a capital letter followed by lower case letters. Your handwriting is beautiful, Samuel. Well done! 
00BEvie C-M - for independently identifying the number of syllables in the word ‘Found|a|tion’. Evie was also able to show where each syllable ended. You are a great learner Evie, well done!
00CAbbey D - for her wonderful effort when learning our phonograms. You are doing such an amazing job and being an awesome learner. Keep up the good work!
00DChloe C - for being a wonderful learner and member of Foundation D. You always do your very best with tasks and consistently participate in our class discussions. Well done Chloe!
1AGenevi - for being a learner and always trying her best
1BJoshua G - for his awesome attitude to school - his enthusiasm in class and the EAL Hub is contagious! 
1CWilliam W - for working so hard to remember to listen with his whole body during floor time. Keep up the great work William! 
2BAudrey O - for always doing her best and being a good model of a responsible, and respectful student. Well done Audrey
2CLenny M - for excellent dedication to learning, completing more and more work of a high standard as the term progresses.
3AAdam T - for being a friendly and hardworking student in 3A.  You are a great influence on others as you continually demonstrate what a responsible learner looks like every day.  Awesome job Adam.
3BBailey N - for having such confidence when sharing with the class. Awesome work Bailey!
3CElla M - for always showing kindness and respect to everyone she meets. You are a role model with your learning and everyday manner. 
4AOscar - for showing resilience after his injury and being such a bright light in our classroom. 
4BJasmine C - for showing such dedication to her spelling homework. You should be proud of your great improvements and results each week in your post test!
4CFrancis B - for making great choices with your learning and producing some amazing work as a result. Well done Francis!
5AKyra H - for working respectfully and collaboratively on her Avalanches science experiment
5BYashada L - for always giving 110% to every learning task. You are a positive  role model always demonstrating respect and responsibility.
5CRylan J - for his positive participation with tutoring groups. 
6ANate and Theo - for their spectacular sci-fi narratives! You both write with such vivid description that truly brings the story to life. Amazing work!
6BVincent L - for an amazing start to his informative text using his writer's voice.  Well done!
6CKisa E - for working hard to include ‘writer’s voice’ into his information report.
Performing ArtsSamuel H (1C) for always helping others with their learning . You so kindly and patiently assist others by sharing your knowledge and understanding. What an amazing classmate you.
Visual ArtsCameron E (2A) for listening carefully and using your time so well in Art lessons this year. As a result, the quality of your work has improved amazingly! Well done!