What is CSEF?

The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) provides payments for eligible students to attend activities like:

  • school camps or trips
  • swimming and school-organised sports programs
  • outdoor education programs
  • excursions and incursions.

Who Can Apply for CSEF?

  • Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or temporary foster parents are eligible to apply. A Special Consideration category also exists. Schools can receive applications from families over terms one and two.
  • Families can list more than one student in the one application form if they are attending the same school.

Do I need to re-apply if I received CSEF last year?

A parent/carer will only be required to submit an application form to the school in the following circumstances:

  • the parent/carer is applying for the CSEF payment for the first time – i.e. an application form was not lodged with the school in the previous year; or
  • circumstances have changed – e.g. there has been a change in the care arrangement of the student, a change of name or CRN, or a new sibling has commenced at the school and the parent/carer wishes to apply for the CSEF payment for the new sibling.

Please see additional information and application form attached for further questions or assistance please contact the Office.