Sci Fi Genre

Recently the Year 6's were learning about the science fiction genre of narrative writing.  Below are some great examples of engaging beginnings that we, at Great Ryrie, like to call 'sizzling starts'.


She barged through the door, her grey eyes peering out.  “Only one piece”, Estella said to herself as she continued looking for smooth, creamy chocolate in her sister’s sophisticated room.  Instead her eyes met something else.  Something peculiar.  She scanned it, hoping to find out what is was and what it was doing in her sister’s room.   Avni, 6B


It was a warm Autumn day as I was skipping happily.  My eyes were transfixed on the most outstanding watch shop.  As I was walking in, I saw a very unique watch.  My sight was drawn to the weird gold hands.  Tanvi, 6B


Heart racing I ran from the police of Rome who were yelling something in Roman (that was probably something stupid that even in English I would ignore) like ‘Stop, in the name of the law’.  I mean if the police were chasing you, why would you stop?  Josh, 6B


It was a freezing day. The wind gushed through me and it felt like an icicle piercing my body.  My brother Jye and I were walking to our grandparent’s house.  My Grandpa greeted us warmly and expressly said, “Don’t go into the basement”.  Eventually he left to run an errand.  We were so eager to go down to the basement that curiosity got the best of us.  So we tip-toed down the stairs, opened the single-bolted door to see a ginormous wooden box that filled up most of the basement. Taj, 6B


It was early in the morning and I was standing at the entrance of my childhood house which I hadn’t visited in a year, anticipating to surprise my father.  I didn’t have the key to the house but I was confident my dad still kept my spare keys underneath the frog-painted rock. Sure enough it was indeed there. Moving rapidly to open the door and give my dad a loving and warm embrace.  Izabelle, 6B


I was running and running until I suddenly froze.  I couldn’t believe my eyes.  I took two steps back and then I pinched myself.  “Ouch”!  Okay….definitely NOT a dream!  I took another two steps forward and I wondered….after all what I’ve been through, maybe it’s worth stepping into.  I was walking up to it to make sure I was seeing straight.  “Okay, definitely a time machine”.   Evie, 6B


History.  The relics of time.  These robots think they can take it away from me.  Well, I’ll show them.  Dan Waverson, the saviour who rescued everyone from the invasion of stupid robots.  Knock! Knock!  “Dan”! A stranger shouted while furiously knocking on my door”.  “Go away!  We’re closed until Monday”! I explained angrily.  Jery, 6B


“Brrrrr”! I yelled out as I went further into the cold Arctic in search of something I could document. Every step I took in the blizzard I got even more chilled and further into the heart of the dangerous Arctic. I saw a glowing light in the distance which I got excited about so I picked up the pace and then I saw…… Spencer, 6B


The creek of the basement door opening.  Thud! “Ow” someone said.  “Hello is anyone there”? I said whilst frozen like a statue.  “Yes” came the reply from a strange women.  “Are you there”? I asked again.  No response.  I went down to the basement and there it was….an old machine filled with buttons and levers.  Dylan, 6B