Last week launched the new Buddy Mentor Program at Great Ryrie Primary School. Each Year 6 student has been randomly paired with a Foundation student for 2022 and is encouraged to work alongside their buddy's teacher. The aim of the program is to build a strong relationship where the Mentors (Year 6's) help their buddy to discover their “greatness", skills and talents. The Year 6 students have been learning that mentoring is a structured and trusting relationship between a young person and a caring individual who offers guidance, support and encouragement whilst at the same time recognising that their buddy is an individual. Furthermore, mentors are good role models and excellent listeners offering support, counsel, friendship, constructive feedback and kindness.


Research shows that strong oral language skills form the foundation of literacy and academic success. A solid foundation of oral language helps children become successful readers and strong communicators. These skills also foster a child’s confidence and overall sense of wellbeing.  


The ability to apply oral language effectively impacts all areas of a child’s life; from their ability to learn in the classroom, their relationships with others, and their academic achievement; to their sense of self. 


The development of these skills requires a rich language environment which in turn creates a high-quality learning environment. A rich language environment is one in which there are regular and varied language experiences including multiple opportunities to:

  • listen to a range of quality children’s picture books
  • asking & answering questions
  • talk about experiences
  • storytelling & retells 

The Buddy Mentor Program will run fortnightly (even weeks) on a Wednesday in the Foundation building at 2.50 pm - 3.20 pm.

All queries to: Sharon Jacobs, Literacy Leader F-6

Great Ryrie Primary School