Year 3/4 News

Welcome to Term One!

Harmony Day

Harmony Week celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.​ Yesterday, our school celebrated Harmony Day by gathering together on Greenland. We listened to the Student Leaders share a special prayer in honour of Harmony Day. Our students were partnered up with another student from a different year level, where they were able to share their artwork. They also spent time eating their lunch and some even participated in activities that were run during lunchtime. 


In Reading, students have been focusing on the skill of visualising. Visualising is when the reader uses their prior knowledge and experiences to create a mental image of what is happening in the text. It can sometimes be called sensory imaging, creating images, pictures in the mind or 'the movie in your head'. 


In Writing, students have been working on adjectives. 

Last week, students were introduced to the 'Describing Wheel' where they chose 1 seed and wrote down adjectives to describe the seed.  Students have also been using strong sentence starters to help engage their readers. Many students have started to connect strong sentence starters and adjectives in their writing. Below are some examples.

Maths Explore

This year, St Raphael's PS has entered a Year 3/4 team into the APSMO Maths Explorer Program. The selected students will have the opportunity to collaborate with their peers to solve mathematical problems. 


The aim of the program is to build students’ confidence and allow them to develop their skills in a non-competitive environment. It uses fun and relatable themes to showcase how problem solving strategies can be applied to a variety of problems, and encourages students to work together to expand their knowledge and understanding.


Students will participate in five contests, held approximately six weeks apart. The first contest will be this week on Wednesday 23rd March, 2022.



Week 9 & 10 Timetable

Week 9 & 10 Learning Intentions

Important Dates

Wednesday 23rd March-School Open Day

Friday 25th March-Whole School Assembly

Monday 4th April 1:30-6:30pm-Online Parent/Teacher Meetings (students finish at 1pm)

Wednesday 6th April- Promotional Video Filming

Thursday 7th April 4-7pm- "Serata Insieme" (an evening together)

Friday 8th April 9:30am- Holy Week Paraliturgy.  End of Term Break (students finish at 1:00pm)

Contact Details


Linda Pham



Belinda Hirschauer 



Kaitlyn McMillan 


Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.