Year 1/2 News

Harmony Day
Yesterday we celebrated Harmony Day with a shared prayer ceremony. During this time we spoke about the meaning of acceptance and how we need to respect everyone regardless of their cultural background. The students ate lunch with a buddy from another year level and shared a self portrait they had created in Art with Miss Sarafian.
During writing we watched a short video clip about Harmony Day, discussed facts about it and reflected on the shared lunch. Below are some of the students' work -
St Patrick's Day
Last week we learned about the significance and history of Saint Patrick. Students learned what a shamrock is and why it is associated with this celebration. They made connections to themselves and how they are like Saint Patrick, for example praying for others. Students coloured and decorated a shamrock, including the words Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Parent Helpers in the Classroom
We are in the process of developing a roster for parent helpers. Parent helpers will be welcome into our learning spaces at the commencement of Term 2. We will send home the roster at the end of this term.
Thank you for your support.
Just a reminder, it is an expectation that reading diaries and home spelling books are brought to school every Friday for teachers to review. We also encourage your child to complete Mathematics tasks that have been assigned as part of Essential Maths. Login details can be found in the student diaries.
Library will take place every second Friday, and students may borrow 2 books.
Important Dates
Wednesday 23rd March-School Open Day
Friday 25th March-Whole School Assembly
Monday 4th April 1:30-6:30pm-Online Parent/Teacher Meetings (students finish at 1pm)
Wednesday 6th April-Promotional Video Filming
Thursday 7th April 4-7pm- "Serata Insieme" (an evening together)
Friday 8th April 9:30am- Holy Week Paraliturgy. End of Term Break (students finish at 1:00pm)
Learning Intentions
Contact Details
Jackie Moloney
Melanie Pizzonia
Paige Frazer
Phoebe Tune
Georgia Cavin
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm