Student Wellbeing

Annie McNaughton

Camp Quality

Next Monday at 12pm, the Year 3 - 6 students will be watching a performance by Camp Quality.

'Our Primary School Cancer Education Program, featuring the Camp Quality Puppets, helps schools create supportive communities for any child impacted by cancer, whether they are dealing with their own cancer diagnosis or the diagnosis of a sibling, mum, dad or carer. 

Our program relates to kids on their level and explores themes relevant to the cancer experience, including:

  • You can’t catch cancer from someone else
  • Treatments and side-effects of cancer
  • How to be supportive of someone facing cancer
  • The importance of recognising our own strengths and the power of positivity'

Please find a video of about the program below.

Harmony Day 

The Department of Home Affairs leads national celebrations for Harmony Week to recognise diversity and inclusion activities that take place during the entire week. Harmony Week is celebrated during the week (Monday to Sunday) that ​includes 21 March, which is the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Since 1999, more than 80,000 Harmony Week events have been held in childcare centres, schools, community groups, churches, businesses and federal, state and local government agencies across Australia.

What is Harmony Week?

It is a time to celebrate Australian multiculturalism, and the successful integration of migrants into our community.

Australia is one of the most successful multicultural countries in the world and we should celebrate this and work to maintain it.

Harmony Week is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values.

Monday 21st March, St Raphael's celebrated Harmony Day with a prayer, sharing of "This is Me 'artwork and a buddy lunch (Every child in the school has a buddy from a different year level), with music and activities lead by the Year 6 Fire Carriers, School Captains and other members of the Year 6 Leadership Group. 

Year 6 Leadership Program

We are fortunate to once again have Mike Boyle work with the Year 6 students on their leadership skills. Mike has worked with us before and provides an engaging insight into what it means to be a leader and how our leaders can make a difference to our community. 

Please find the flyer sent home to the Year 6 families about the program.