Year 5/6 News

It's been a very busy few weeks in Year 5/6 with lots of exciting events and learning occurring. Due to this, we ask that students continue to refer to our Google Classroom page to keep abreast of 'What's on for the Week.'
It was wonderful to see the Year 6 children continue their faith journey in celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday afternoon. The students were fortunate to engage in a visit from Bishop Terence Curtin and Father Simon last week, where they explored what Confirmation is and its relevance in the children's lives. They investigated the key parts of the Confirmation Mass and discussed their chosen Saints in more detail.
They then engaged in the Confirmation Retreat day last Thursday where they visited the Mary Glowrey Museum and the Mary Mackillop Centre.
The Year 6 children will begin their formal leadership program today with Mike Boyle. Mike brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in leadership and business. Please see an attached flyer with further information. This was also sent home with the Year 6 students.
The year 5/6's have continued their narratives, adding zest and flair. Students have looked at how to add literary devices - metaphors, similes etc. to engage the reader. Taking writing from more literal to more abstract. Students have been exploring how to make a character description detailed so that it feels more real and the reader becomes immersed in the story.
Problem-Based Learning
In Problem Based Learning, students have continued to investigate problems in our communities. This is with the aim of creating businesses which will rectify or approach these issues. Students have shown great empathy and world awareness to brainstorm relevant issues communities face in many diverse communities.
Parent Helpers
Please find attached our Parent Helper noted. This has been provided as a hardcopy for your convenience.
NAPLAN - Year 5's
This year NAPLAN will move to the online format. In preparation for this shift, students have engaged in a practice session where they have begun to familiarise themselves with the features of the platform.
Week 9 & 10 Timetable
Week 9 & 10 Learning Intentions
Important Dates
Tuesday 22nd March - Year 6 Leadership Program with Mike Boyle
Wednesday 23rd March-Maths Olympiad & School Open Day
Friday 25th March-Whole School Assembly
Monday 28th March - Camp Quality Puppet Show
Tuesday 29th March - Year 6 Leadership Program with Mike Boyle
Monday 4th April 1:30-6:30pm-Online Parent/Teacher Meetings (students finish at 1pm)
Wednesday 6th April-Promotional Video Filming & 5/6 Level Mass
Thursday 7th April 4pm-7pm- "Serata Insieme" (an evening together)
Friday 8th April 9:30am- Holy Week Paraliturgy. End of Term Break (students finish at 1:00pm)
Contact Details
5/6A - Maxwell Allan
5/6D - Annie Dullard
5/6SV - Emma Sbizzirri & Matt Vernal
*We kindly ask that all emails for 5/6SV include both Emma and Matt.
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.