Year 10

Learning Support 

Learning the skills to promote and support sound study 


Sally Goss

Middle School Leader

The Year 10 Learning Support Program is a new element within the Year 10 curriculum. 

An extension of the Year 10 Home Group program, Learning Support has already proven successful, allowing time for teachers to speak to students about their learning goals, discussing how these goals can be achieved, and setting in place plans toward success.


Students enjoy one period per week where they learn and share tips and techniques toward effective learning in the school environment, and have the opportunity to complete schoolwork and homework outside of their structured classes.  This provides a tangible opportunity for teachers to tutor students in establishing and maintaining deeper and more efficient work practices before they move into the important VCE years.  


Response to the establishment of this program has been very positive, with students seizing the opportunity to improve and make the most of their  school experience.


Olive K
Olive K

Olive Kerry

Year 10

I have found the learning support period very helpful.  It is great to be able to finish work in a classroom setting, as it makes it so much easier to concentrate.  I have also found it helpful to be able to finish homework collaboratively with people in my class who I would not be likely to work with outside of school. It is also good to have a teacher who can assist (even if they don't teach the specific subject). 

I think the learning support period is very good. It gives extra time to finish homework, ask friends questions, or get support from the teacher.  So far I like it a lot.


Jana O
Jana O

Jana Obeid

Year 10


I think [Learning Support] is very helpful... because you have a teacher with you if you need help and your classmates to discuss your work with.


Harry L
Harry L

Harry Lalor

Year 10

The lesson is really helpful to me as it helps me catch up on my homework and get help from friends and from my Learning Support teacher.


Luke Mitchell

Teacher - Learning Support

Learning support is a huge success amongst our Year 10 students. I have observed the positivity this session brings to students, as they are eager to complete tasks and stay up to date. The support from teachers has been incredibly valuable as well. The session enables students to be more independent with their studies whilst developing the study skills that  they need for their Senior School VCE or VCAL  studies.


Melaine Blair

Teacher - Learning Support

In learning support, students are provided the opportunity to learn a range of different study practices. These are skills that can be applied across all subject areas, and  this allows students to discover what is best suited for them in preparation for VCE. Students are also given time to conduct additional study in their choice of subject. This time is typically used where students require extra time and help to understand topics or concepts covered, or to revise for upcoming tests and prepare for assessments.


Jed G
Jed G

Jed Gurtman

Year 10

This will be beneficial to my studies as work piles up and this will help me get it done.  It is good because now I don't get stressed out over the workload.


Sujana C
Sujana C


Sujana Chand

Year 10

We have time to finish homework and review work in other subjects.



William D
William D

William Denholm

Year 10

I really have loved the support period. It takes pressure off looming homework and tests. The only change I want is more learning support time!