Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is the day that marks the beginning of Lent. To celebrate Ash Wednesday this year at Good Shepherd the Grade 6 students and some of the community attended a special Mass. The rest of the school watched the livestream in their classrooms and everyone received the ashes. 


When receiving the ashes, Father sprinkled ashes on our forehead and asked us to “Repent and believe in the Gospel.” 


This event was also important because the Year 6 students were given the opportunity to commit to their leadership position for the year. 


It felt nice to go back to Church as a year level and see Father Kaz again.


By Jherrie Atal, Rebecca Mitry and Jaden Lim

On Ash Wednesday the Year 6 students only attended Mass in the church because of our Covid safe plan. The Mass was live streamed to the rest of the school. During the service, the ashes were brought to the school and distributed in each classroom and Communion was brought to Years 4 and 5 in their classrooms. 


The feeling in the school was amazing! The students were fully engaged in the celebration. The lighting in each classroom was subdued and the students were respectful and connected to the events in the church. The only sounds through the school were those of the Mass. Children were able to join in the singing as they had practised in advance. As a reintroduction to the Mass and preparation for Lent, we felt this was very successful. 


We look forward to creating more opportunities to involve the children in parish life. 


Vanessa Lamanna (Religious Education Coordinator)