

Our College Community gathered for Homegroup Liturgies last week to share in the distribution of Ashes, marking the commencement of Lent. We prayerfully acknowledged Ash Wednesday as the World Day of Prayer and Fasting for the people of Ukraine, reflecting on Pope Francis’ words “God’s plan for the world is peace, not disaster. We pray for Ukraine and her people, and for the world’s leaders. No one wins in war. Everyone wins in peace.”



Our young people are challenged to think about Lent personally and globally, this year. Our world is aching with tragedy; the pandemic, conflicts and natural disasters fill our news feeds daily. Many of us ponder these global and local events and contemplate possible solutions; hopelessly concerned that our role is too small to make much of a difference. 


In Religious Education classes, we are challenging our students to contemplate one small thing they might do to make a difference to someone else in our world? How might they strengthen their relationship with God through this act? What impact would it have on them to give something up in an act of self-denial? How might they share something they have with someone else? 


In our classes we have been discussing how an act of ‘giving out’ might be centred on service, charity, social justice or kindness to someone locally. 


Lent is a chance to stand together in solidarity with the spiritually and materially poor; an opportunity to do better and begin something a’new inside each of us. As we embrace this hope-filled journey towards Easter, may we recall our commitment to prayer, fasting and giving something of ourselves to others. 



Great progress has been made with the Reflection Walk, which will offer 6 stations that focus on the charism of our Founders Nano Nagle and Edmund Rice and the Presentation Sisters and Christian Brothers whose spirit is at the heart of Mater Dei. A beautiful mural has been painted by the Visual Arts Teachers Ms Keough and Ms Thomson and a talented band of students as a lasting legacy to the College. We look forward to launching the Walk when it is complete.



This Year’s Caritas Australia - Project Compassion theme is ‘For All Future Generations’. 


It’s a wonderful future-focused theme that encourages us to think about how our small gifts now, can be multiplied by many, for the future impact of generations to come. We will focus on Homegroup giving, taking up a collection in Houses, each Friday. Please give what you can; silver or gold coins, all make a difference! 


Lenten collection boxes are available at the Office for families and donation boxes have been placed near the Cafe and Canteen for students. Thank you for your support of this wonderful, global initiative. 



Many of our extended family members, friends and fellow Catholic Communities have been devastated by the extensive flooding in QLD and Northern NSW. Students, staff and parents are keen to support these communities to clean up, re-build and re-establish essential services. 



As a way to extend our arm in support, we have decided to donate the proceeds of our annual Easter Raffle to the Vinnies Flood Appeal. You can simply purchase tickets to donate or go online and make a larger donation through the Vinnies Website




Provident God, 

Please protect the lives of all victims of flooding. 

Provide safe passage out of danger. 

Guide them to a place of dry and comfortable refuge. 

Nurture them with the strength to endure all that lies ahead in the period of recovery. 

Provide them with the necessities of clean drinking water and nutritious food. 

Enable their communication with family members who have been separated. 

Enfold them in your endless love, 



Mrs Amelia Bright | Acting Leader of Mission