From the Head of Junior School

Dear Parents, Carers and Members of the St Gregory’s College family,


As you are all aware, we are living in unprecedented times and as a College community we look forward to school returning to normal classes in the near future!  In order to do this, we are offering a gradual return to the routine and familiarity for our students and their families. We have been welcoming increasing numbers of students each day, since the holiday break, including children of essential workers. It is heart-warming to see them so happy to be back, to feel safe and secure and enjoying a sense of life returning to normal.


Transitioning back to the Junior School

In only days, we will welcome even more students back as we open the doors in Week 3 to a different House Group per day and we hope that these students are able to experience the familiarity of their classroom, teachers, playground and friends.


On Monday 11 May, we welcome back Laurentian House, Tuesday 12 May is Donovan House, Wednesday 13 May is Molloy House and Thursday 14 May is Kilian House. Friday 15 May will remain online and for children of essential workers.


Due to our very high numbers of students each day and the impact this has on online teaching and Face to Face teaching, we will be returning to normal classes of students onsite from Monday 18 May (Week 4).


Relationships in Education

Moments like this serve as a reminder of the centrality of relationships in education. It reminded me of a saying that I heard many years ago “Students don’t learn subjects, they learn teachers.”


Whilst this statement runs the risk of underselling the importance of the planning and organisation that teachers do to prepare lessons, and the importance of the students learning content and skills, it does highlight the critical role that relationships play in the learning process.


As the Head of Junior School, I have the pleasure of seeing students in classes and see them motivated by these relationships and teachers driven by these relationships. Connection and relationships are also critical in developing and maintaining wellbeing. As we return to Face to Face teaching in Week 4, this will remain a key priority for the staff as we transition back to the classroom.


Successes and challenges of Online Learning

Over the past couple of weeks, I have had a number of conversations with parents about the successes and challenges of online learning. This period has allowed me to reflect on the learning that is taking place as students have become accustomed to a different mode of learning. Whilst learning has continued through an adjusted approach, it has been the agility and growth in the students’ approaches to learning, that has been clear to witness. Students have been forced to grow rapidly in independence, resilience, ICT skills, communication skills and self-management skills. As we transition back to school, I encourage parents to remain realistic about this growth and the expectations of students.


We look forward to seeing the students back to the Junior School to resume face to face learning in Week 4.   I thank you for your support, dedication and persistence as a College community through this time.


As our St Gregory’s College motto states, ‘You will reap what you sow"









Joel Weekes

Head of Junior School