Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Carers

On Sunday, our church celebrates the Third Sunday of Advent, a time of preparing to receive the Christ child within ourselves.


This week, Isobelle W provides us with a beautiful artwork and written reflection on the challenges Joseph faced with the news of the coming of Jesus. He had some hard choices to make and reminds us that God takes pity on the downhearted. However, we have to do our part by being open to the Spirit and by cultivating a healthy relationship with God and those who are part of our daily lives.



The Angel’s Message


Isobelle W

Year 6

My artwork is inspired by the passage Matthew 2:13-15 ‘The Flight to Egypt’. It is a representation of Joseph’s dream and how when the angel came to him Joseph was so shocked - this is why his eyes are open and why they are the sea blue colour. They are coloured because his eyes are the first thing to see his dream, and they are leading the way of choosing happiness with Mary. The greyness of the picture is showing Joseph’s plan to divorce Mary and that it was a bad idea. The colour of the dream shows the way Joseph chose to go and that staying with and protecting Mary is the right thing to do. The bright orange and yellow colours of the dream represents the Holy Spirit and the speaking of God. I have used water colour pencils for the coloured parts of my artwork because of the effectiveness and brightness of the colours and blending. The grey lead pencil represents lots of details in the way Joseph’s facial expressions were when first experienced seeing the angel.

For all things at St Joseph’s, give thanks!

Jen Charadia
