Secondary Year 11

Industry Exploration

The integrated topic, Industry Exploration, focuses on identifying industries within our community, exploring what kind of work they do, and the pathway that is required to work in that industry. Students will delve into specific industries where they might find future employment. 


Last Friday all Year 11 students completed an Industry Hunt in the city.  Breaking into two teams, the Hartbreakers and Team MJ, students were required to find and take a photo of various industries found in the city.  Extra points were given if you had a person from that industry in your photo (permission from that person was required!)  The points for the day are converted into Earn and Learn dollars for each student.


Integrating Literacy, Numeracy, Work Related Skills and Personal Development Skills, each class is participating in the Earn and Learn program.  This is a real world application of financial management. Students get paid for engaging in their WRS work placement and have to budget that money to live.