Secondary School

2022 Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award

On Thursday, 6 October we celebrated the Gold Award Ceremony for the 2022 Duke of Edinburgh’s International Awards at Government House. His Excellency, the Honourable Chris Dawson APM, Governor of Western Australia and Mrs Dawson hosted the ceremony. These awards required participants to complete regular, sustained activity in four key areas; Skill Development, Voluntary Service, Physical Recreation and an Adventurous Journey. There was also an additional Gold Residential Project at Gold level. 


Former student Luke Alderslade ('21) was invited to Government House and acknowledged as a recipient of the prestigious Gold Award, which is the highest award given as part of the Duke of Edinburgh program.  He is the first TC student to obtain such a prestigious award on behalf of the College, and one of only 64 young people to achieve the Gold Level this year. 


Luke had completed a variety of activities, including: singing lessons and choir practice, water polo, soccer skill development and cycling sessions and helped serve as a teaching assistant in the Junior School and across the College. He was exceptional in his Adventurous Journey component in which he went sailing in the Archipelago islands in Dampier as part of his Certificate II in Sport and Recreation course and completed his residential project assisting as a Youth Camp Leader in the Eddie Rice camps. Luke started his Bronze Award in Year 9, February 2018, and completed all three levels by October 2021.


“From January 14 to 19, I went on an Eddie Rice Camp for kids. Eddie Rice Camps for kids is a non-profit community based organisation that serves the needs of kids aged 7–16 and their families. They provide camps and other recreational and developmental activities for children who would not otherwise have such opportunities, supporting kids experiencing some form of disadvantage. I chose Eddie Rice Camps because I have always loved working with young people, to help guide them in the right direction is so fulfilling and motivating. I have also heard a lot about the camps from TC old boys who say that it is such a great experience to have. On the camp I interacted and played with the teens in a constant basis throughout the day while after they have gone to bed prepare games and events for the next day. I was continuously positive throughout the entire camp and maintained a high level of energy as this kept the kids engaged with each activity and allowed them to have the most fun. I needed to put the needs of the teens before my own. I believe that I achieved the goal that I set for myself.” - Luke Alderslade ('21)


Jason OMalley

Health & Phys-Ed | Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator


Mary Rice Centre Camp

The inaugural Mary Rice Centre Camp was held in the last week of Term 3 at Camp Kelly, in Dwellingup. This camp provided opportunities to learn and practice life skills, foster independence and nurture developing relationships with each other in a safe and supported environment.


Students were required to step out of their comfort zone and complete a range of activities including planning, shopping and preparing their own dinner meal. A visit to the Armadale Reptile and Wildlife Centre was enjoyed, whilst purchasing lunch at McDonalds was a great finale!


Well done to those students who participated and a special thank you to the Year 10 mentors.

Italian Language Assistant Program

Now that the borders have opened up, our Italian Language Assistant Program will be back up and running in 2023. We are currently seeking expressions of interest for families to host a Language Assistant in Terms 1, 2 and 3 next year. The assistant is an Italian university student that works as a volunteer in schools for 20-25 hours per week. Host families provide a room for them and they live as part of your family. 


It is a wonderful opportunity to forge an intercultural connection with someone from the other side of the world. If you would like more information, please contact Mrs Eliza Knapman by email:, or by the school phone number.