From Our School Leaders

This term we have been very busy celebrating lots of things beyond the classroom.   It’s been terrific to finally get back to these things that are also important and add to the fabric of school life.


We have celebrated:

  • Book Week – Dress-up Day, Book Fair and daily shared reading across the school
  • Science Week - ScienceTwits incursion and rotational science activities
  • Literacy and Numeracy Week  - Family Maths Night
  • Child Protection Week – Bright Colours Dress-Up Day
  • Jump Rope for Heart - skipping practice each lunchtime and "jump off" afternoon
  • Father’s Day Stall, Raffle & Breakfast Club
  • National Indigenous Literacy Day

Our students have also participated in a variety of learning experiences:

  • Write a Book in a Day - with the participating students raising $1255.00 for the Kids Cancer Project
  • ICAS Assessments - English, Writing, Spelling Bee, Digital Technologies, Science, Mathematics
  • Robotics and Coding 
  • Buddies in the Kitchen Garden
  • APSMO Maths Explorer Problem Solving Contest

It has been a very full term, and has added fun parades, incursions and collaborative learning across the school, which we love to see. These extra-curricula activities give an opportunity for our students to  grow and strengthen their learning.



Our school camping program begins in earnest next term with our Year 5/6 students heading off to Sovereign Hill in the first week of Term 4. The Year 3/4 students then head off in Week 4 for their 3-day/2-night stay at Oasis Camp in Mount Evelyn.


School Grounds

150th Commemorative Garden

Work on our Orson St entrance and 150th Commemorative Garden will begin in the school holidays.  We took orders for 136 ‘design-a-brick’ bricks to add to the new pathway along this entrance to the school.  Parts of the existing path heading towards the staff car park will also be replaced and the garden bed will be cleaned up ready for new plantings. Our 150th commemorative entrance and garden will be a wonderful celebration of our school community, and we are looking forward to making this entrance more accessible and welcoming while being a tribute to the milestone that the school has achieved.


Tree Removal

A large gum tree in the staff carpark, near the paved entrance to the school, will be removed in the school holidays. We have employed the services of an arborist and he has assessed the tree and the damage it is causing and, in his opinion, the tree needs to be removed. It’s a beautiful smooth gum tree but it is lifting the brick paving and cracking the asphalt in the car park.  Unfortunately it is just too big for location and should not have been planted there in the first place. We are hoping this work will be completed during the school holidays, allowing us to re-plant the front garden beds.


We are planting new natives in the 150th Commemorative Garden and will include some appropriate-sized smooth gums in the plant selection. 


Working Bee – Saturday 12th November

 Our second Working Bee for 2022 will be held on Saturday 12th November from 10.00am – 12.00pm.


We are looking to do a general ‘spruce up’ of our grounds in preparation for the 150th Celebration Day the following week. We would appreciate as many hands on deck as possible for as short or as long a time as you can spare.  Bring along your gardening gloves, hats and hand tools and come and enjoy what will, hopefully, be a lovely time in garden.


Camp Australia

This term, Camp Australia suspended their requirement to provide a medical certificate to enable cancellation fees to be waived if your child was unwell.  As Term 3 is almost over, they are extending the "No Medical Certificate, No Fee" process through Term 4.


Should you have any questions about this, please call their Customer Care team on 1300 105 343. The team is available from 5.00am – 9.00pm, 7 days a week – except for National Public Holidays.


School Holiday Safety

If you are in the area and see any damage or inappropriate behaviors at the school during the school holidays, please contact the police on 131 444. 



Thank you to all of the staff and students who have made my week as Acting Principal so enjoyable while Sue has been on leave.


Wishing everyone a restful holiday break. Stay warm and well and we will see you back at school on Monday 3rd October for the start of Term 4.




Acting Principal