Mr Chris Kan


As various groups in the College look at the development of a new strategic plan, the theme of 'Catholicity' keeps coming to the fore.


Our Catholicity is the important way in which we live out the Gospel, the mission of God and the Church, in this place, at this time, with these people.


In a deep and rich sense, it is about educating the whole person - welcoming, including and celebrating the rich diversity of humankind that comes here each day and who all reflect the image and likeness of God.


We express this belief in what we do and how we teach. Our Catholicity is who we are striving to be as a community and as individuals.


Our RNDM Charism is one of the ways we express our Catholicity in action. Through living out the Sister’s values of Contemplation, Communion and Mission - alongside our College's Core Values and Core Purpose - we develop our own unique expression of our faith. Our rituals and symbols, heritage and common language all reflect our way of living out the faith at Sacred Heart.


Most of all, our Catholicity is a cause for celebration, a unique opportunity to thank God for our being part of the wider community of the Church, to celebrate our past and to ask God's blessings on both the here and now and the unknown journey of the future.









Mr Chris Kan

Dean of Campus Ministry