Arts & Tech News 

Theatre Studies

On Tuesday 18 October the Year 9 Theatre Studies class performed our interpretation of the play Atlantis at the Malthouse Theatre. Our journey to performing this play began mid-Term 3 when we began creating our script, and slowly started developing other elements of the play including sound, lighting, costume, and props. The play that we performed was a part of the Suitcase Series, which is a student lead performance where theatre studies classes have to create and perform their own interpretation of the play Atlantis, with minimal support from teachers. The challenge with this was that any props and equipment used must fit inside of a suitcase, hence the name the Suitcase Series.

A major obstacle we faced was when one of our classmates unexpectedly went on holiday resulting in our script no longer being suitable to perform. We had to quickly adapt our script to fit only 8 people, which unfortunately meant we had to cut out 1 character completely. Although this was a challenge we continued to work on the play, so we could finally present it on the performance day. We were 1 of 4 performances on the day, with the smallest number of people performing. The opportunity to perform in front of an audience was very exciting and taught us valuable skills like teamwork, building confidence and leadership. Overall, the experience was fun and beneficial as we worked with many different people to pull off our final product.

Karishma Navaneetha Kumar & 

Mahasri Chapalamadugu

Year 9

Food Studies

Year 9 Healthy Lunch Boxes  

Year 9 Food Studies students learnt about the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and Australian Dietary guidelines.  The students used the design process to plan and prepare a healthy lunchbox for a 9-year-old child. They researched and calculated the number of serves of 5 food groups recommended for the age group. They then produced their healthy lunchboxes using the practical skills that they had learnt through the term. 


Parul Bhola

Food Technology Teacher


Food, Exercise and Energy Excursion 

On Wednesday 19 October, the Year 9 Food Studies classes from both semester one and two, attended an excursion to Clip and Climb Berwick. Located just a short walk from Nossal High School, Clip and Climb is an indoor rock climbing and obstacle course centre. The students experienced multiple distinct activities and challenges, such as the Sky Trail (a high ropes course boasting a series of rope, cable and wooden challenges on giant poles and platforms 10 metres in the air) and an adventurous climbing course consisting of many different climbs and thrills. This excursion provided us with a range of varied physical activities to engage in throughout the day.   


The fundamental purpose of this excursion was to investigate energy expenditure by partaking in these vigorous physical activities, and later reflecting on energy intake after a high GI meal. While this day was incredibly engaging and enjoyable, we also gained an insight into why energy is a key part of staying healthy both physically and mentally and how energy in our body is required and consumed, with the amount required ultimately varying for each person based on several factors such as weight, height, gender, and even the intensity of the physical activity.   Understanding all of the vital lessons learnt that day has enabled us all to comprehend further the importance of healthy eating and immersing in plenty of physical activity, and has helped us reflect on how we can enact these changes into our daily lives.    


Overall, this was an exciting day, spent actively with our peers, learning about crucial topics that are bound to help us in life!   


Pahal Dandiya 

Year 9