English News 

Debating Reflection

2022 has been yet another outstanding year for our school's debating program. Representing Nossal High School this year were an incredible 17 teams from all year levels, filling all the gaps from junior D grade to senior A grade debating.

Personally, it was quite wonderful to see so many students passionate about taking up this opportunity, and it was even better to participate in, and hear about, all of the successes that we achieved. Many of our teams made it to the final few rounds without a single defeat, a testament to the hard work they put in. One C-grade group was even fortunate and skilled enough to enter the finals, where they won their first round but were marginally beaten in the second.


More importantly, however, was the absolute joy that debating afforded to my teammates and I. Frantically jotting down and passing along notes, congratulating and supporting each other, and getting to know like-minded students from as far away as east Gippsland were some of the most cherished moments for my team, which we will remember much more than whether we won or lost.


Part of the joy has also come from the knowledge and skills that this program lets students develop. It was particularly rewarding to see my friends and myself increase our capacity for debating, boost our confidence, and improve our public speaking skills. Being an A-grade debater also allowed me to mentor two year 9 teams, and it was amazing to see how some students who had never even debated before transformed into absolute forces to be reckoned with when competing against other schools.


I am sure that these skills and memories have been invaluable for everyone in Nossal's debating program – so much so for me that I have decided to continue this hobby as an accredited adjudicator for the Debater's Association for Victoria. But whether you want to pursue public speaking after school, or would just like to try out something new, debating is a fun opportunity that absolutely anyone can participate in, and I strongly recommend you do so.


Debating might have ended for the year, but in the bigger picture it has just begun – and I can't wait to hear about all of this school's landslide victories in the future!


Hamza Ahmed

Year 12