
Engaging boarder voice – prep

Homework or prep of an evening is a vital part in the learning process for each student. Revising and understanding knowledge, and practicing skills covered at school is important each evening. Even if this is relearning the times tables, or digging into the English novel, all students should be engaging in some sort of homework each evening. 


Boarders complete prep in the Refectory (dining hall), and it is important that this time and venue is free from noise and interruptions. I surveyed all boarders about what they preferred and the feedback varied - some wanted more supervision, others wanted collaborative places, whilst some required a place of complete silence. 


Engaging with the student voice and providing agency is an important part of adolescent growth and my boarders are happy to be a part of the re-design of prep. Each Wednesday night this term boarders will choose their place for effective prep. They practice organisation skills, and how to plan appropriately, taking responsibility and experimenting in the best place for each of them to engage in prep which has a positive result.


I have attached below the Design, Dedicate and Do process for boarders to follow each Wednesday evening. This may also be a process your family could use at home. As with any change, we will not get the perfect fit right from the start, but we will get there and ensure that each boarder is set up to enjoy success.

We warmly welcome Jonty Pease who is our second GAP student to join us this year. Alongside Zahria van Kierk, Jonty will be assisting our boarders of an evening, working in the Sports Department, helping with Camps, and working with our Junior School classes.


Jonty arrives from Eton College in the UK and has already enjoyed the change in culture and environment. Albeit a few tall stories about local crocodiles and kangaroo led chariots, Jonty has smoothly moved into the College community. Welcome Jonty for Term Four. Below are a few words from Jonty.


I came into Melbourne on Friday night from London and have loved my time since arriving. I haven’t found it too tricky adapting to the Aussie way of life mainly due to the friendliness and kindness of the Australian people although Hamilton does represent a significant change from my previous school and life in the UK. Australia has certainly changed my concept of remoteness!


After finishing at Hamilton, I plan to make the most of my time here travelling up the East Coast before heading off to South America to travel there. Once that is all done, real life will return for me again in the UK where I will study Spanish and Politics at Durham University. 


Save the dates:

  • Thursday Oct 20 5:30pm - Year 12 End of Year Boarding Dinner.
  • Saturday Oct 29 to Tuesday Nov 2 - EXEAT weekend (Boarding House stays open).

Andrew Monk

Head of Boarding