Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds

Research shows regular physical activity and reducing sedentary behaviour not only boosts physical and mental health but also improves academic performance.


An active school encourages physical activity through a whole-school approach, going beyond traditional physical education and sport to promote physical activity at every opportunity.


At Epsom we have been striving to engage the whole school in increased physical activity in a collaborative and unified approach.

Our school approach "EPS Fit For Life" will encompass Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds throughout our curriculum and provides multiple opportunities to be active throughout the day, including quality PE lessons for 1 hour a week and Classroom Sport for 1 hour a week. Alongside our STAR values and School Wide Positive Behaviour Program runs the Respectful Relationships Rights and Responsibilities teaching and learning, which will continue to develop our students personal and social capabilities. A range of other initiatives are currently being planned - these will be unveiled in the near future.


During recess and lunch, learning occurs in ways not always possible inside the classroom. Play during these times teaches students important life skills, such as how to make friends, resolve conflicts and become leaders. It also contributes significantly to the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development in a context children view as meaningful.  For this reason, we will continue our lunch time clubs, offering a range of activities for physical, social, emotional and intellectual development. Student Voice guides the kinds of clubs that our students would like to participate in.  Some of these ideas came from the Grade 3/4 unit - 'Lobbying for Change'.  This term, we have on offer:

Auslan Choir, Run Club, Chess Club, Drawing Club (GrP-2), Street Art (Gr3-6), STEM Club, Creative Writing, Minecraft Club Gr1/2, 3/4, 5/6

As always our Green Magpies Sustainability student group, Energy Breakthrough Teams, School Band, Life Skills Club, Student Council and Alternative Lunch Program (ALP) will continue to build stronger throughout our school.


We are currently exploring ways to enrich our morning fitness program - it will run for half an hour in the morning and will include the involvement of a range of teachers. Please watch this space!



Kate FitzGerald

Assistant Principal