From the Principal 

Dear Families of OLHC,

It has been wonderful to see all our students back for the start of Term 4.  This first week has already been very busy with lots of great learning activities at each year level.



We were blessed to have Bishop Terry Curtin visit our Year 6s on Tuesday to discuss with them their pending Confirmation.  Bishop Terry had a most engaging manner with the students and I was delighted to hear the accurate and thoughtful responses our students offered to his discussion prompts.  Students shared their Confirmation names and what traits their saint displayed during their life.  Bishop Terry explored with the students the essence of this Sacrament of Initiation and together they discussed the importance of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how they are lived out in our day to day lives.

As well as exploring and learning about the spiritual aspects of the Sacrament, Bishop Terry shared a few stories and demonstrated some of the practical aspects of what they could expect on their special day.  Confirmation candidates will travel to St Patrick’s Cathedral on Wednesday October 19 to familiarise themselves with the sacred space and the practical elements of the Sacrament.  All three parish schools will gather for the Sacrament at St Patrick’s Cathedral on Sunday October 23, please keep these students in your prayers as they prepare.

Colour Run Event

Due to the high likelihood of inclement weather and persistent wet surfaces forecast for today and after consultation with the school leadership team and PFOL representatives, it was decided that the scheduled Colour Run event for today would be postponed. 

(Late addition good call!)

We have proposed Friday 4th November


Book Club

Final book club for the year - Orders due Friday October 21st.

Please let Liz know if you would prefer to collect your order from the office, rather than it going home with your child.

If anyone would like to take on this role for 2023, please contact Liz or Faith on 0439300627.


Class/level Productions

This year as part of our Performing Arts program we will have class performances as follows on the following date and times:


Monday November 14:  6:45pm - Year 5/6A (Hall)  /  7:45pm - Year 5/6K (Hall)


Monday November 21: 7:00pm - Year 3/4 (Hall)


Monday November 28: 9:00am - 11:00am Prep & Year 1/2  (Classrooms and Community Centre)

Parents and Grandparents of Preps and Year 1/2 students are invited to a morning of classroom activities and to attend the performance.  Each class will have its own performance time.  Teachers will share more details closer to the date.  This format was decided upon at the start of the year when there was still uncertainty about possible COVID restrictions and venue availability. 


Save the date: Christmas Carols - Thursday December 8, 7pm

We have only just recently finalised dates/times and would like to share them with you now for your reference and so you can add them to your own calendars.  We look forward to experiencing these events with you.


Farewell Jessica Marazzato

Jessica joined us part time early in Term 3 to assist in the Library, with IT and administration duties.  We wish Jessica well as she embarks on her full time role in the Department of Education and Training, that will continue to allow her to utilise her skills and knowledge from her area of study.  Although it was for a short time, we thank Jessica for her work within our school community and wish her all the best.


Kind Regards,




Hello from Mrs Vines as she travels on her Camino through Spain. Isn't she amazing?