Principal's Report 

Dear St A's Community,


Here we are at the end of Term One! Congratulations and thank you to students, parents and staff for their terrific efforts this term. Term 1  has presented many opportunities, joys and challenges and a very busy start to our school year! Congratulations to the students who have worked tirelessly this term to achieve success!  



Holidays can be fun and relaxing, but they can also pose challenges. School routines cease, and there is seemingly a great deal of extra time available. During this Easter break, staying healthy and looking after yourself is still important. Here are a number of ways to help you do this. 


Eat Healthy 

Aside from the Easter eggs, it’s important to have a good balanced diet and drink lots of water. This can help with sleep, energy levels and general health and wellbeing. 


Sleep Well 

As the routine of school stops, there is less pressure to be in bed by a certain time as there can be the feeling “Well…. I’ll sleep in”. Getting a good night’s sleep helps you feel energised, focused and motivated. Continuing sleeping routines can help you sleep much better. Ensure that the extra time is not spent around technology. 


Be physically active 

Play is important for staying mentally healthy. Devoting time to just having fun can recharge your battery and reduce stress and anxiety. Pray and meditate Participate in Easter liturgies, prayer and quiet contemplation of this most important time of the church calendar. 



In addition to the above, we highly recommend that students continue reading during the break. You’re never too young or old to enjoy a good book.



A prayer for Lent:

Lord Jesus, Help me to receive your tender love in the washing of my feet. Remove from me all negative thoughts so that I may be able to fully receive your love. Help me to serve others as you did in love and humility, without expecting anything in return. Amen


Best wishes for the holiday break. Read lots of books, spend time with your family and friends. I wish you all the blessings of Easter and  make the most of this time to connect as families!

 God Bless. 


Carrie Rodda
