Cebula Boarding

Boarding News


In what seems like the blink of an eye, Term 1 has ended with the boys very keen to head home for some well-deserved R and R. They have been kept busy with their studies, sport commitments, extracurricular activities and a very diverse weekend recreation programme. We look forward to welcoming them back to what will undoubtedly be a busy and engaging Term 2.

Last week, we farewelled Mr Watson, who is leaving the College to take on the role of Principal at Newman College next term, at a special boarding dinner and Mass. Fr Bill joined us to give Mr Watson a blessing and our senior boys presented Mr Watson with a small token of our appreciation. The Cebula community thanks Mr Watson for his support of and commitment to our boarders during his time as Principal.

It’s been really pleasing to see the achievements of our boys continue with a small group successfully completing their Skippers Ticket requirements recently and an additional group, their Barista Training. 


At school, the hard work of our boarders continues to be recognised with Ben and Braydon (Year 8) and Ryan (Year 9) attaining leadership positions in recognition of their respect, diligence and desire to be a voice for their peers. Well done to each of these outstanding young men.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the boarding staff for their hard work this term. Their care and support of our boarders is very much appreciated.  We will have some new additions to the team in Term 2 and I’m looking forward to introducing them to you. We have recently said goodbye to Pamela and Elliot after short stays with us and wish them well as they pursue other areas – Elliot has been successful in attaining a teaching position and Pamela is looking to spend more time with her family.


Boarding will reopen on Wednesday 26 April from 2pm (please note that airport /bus/train arrivals before this time will need to be undertaken by Perth guardians) and school will commence on Thursday 27th April.


I wish you all a safe and Happy Easter and a wonderful holiday break.



Annamaria Cream

Director of Boarding