Faith and Mission


This coming weekend we begin the Easter Triduum, the three feasts of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Jesus’ resurrection at Easter. Below is a reflection from the Irish Oblates. May you all have a safe and Holy Easter break with family and friends. We look forward to seeing you all for the beginning of Term 2! 


“Our journey through Lent is over, we have removed our purple cloths, we have decorated our churches and altars with flowers and we can now sing our Gloria and Alleluia with joy and celebration. The Lord is risen!


The Easter gospel names three people: Mary Magdalene, Peter and the ‘disciple who Jesus loved.’ By not being named, this disciple is in fact all of us, each of us are the ‘disciple whom Jesus loves.’ Mary, faithful to the end goes to the tomb and although it is dark, sees the stone has been removed. She quickly runs and tells the others what she has seen and experienced; an empty tomb, burial cloths, and a head covering in another place. Having told the others, they too go to them tomb. They also see, but they more than just see. They see and believe. They see and believe with their hearts. The mystery of the resurrection is able to be seen because God gives us the eyes of faith.


Today with Christians all over the world, let us follow Mary’s example, let us too stand at the empty tomb and believe and then have the courage to proclaim the good new resurrection. This Easter, may what we believe in our hearts, profess with our lips, be seen in the work of our hands and the quality of our daily lives. Alleluia.”



Project Compassion and Lent

The season of Lent links closely to the Project Compassion Caritas appeal. The College so far has raised $651 with the Year 10s making the most impressive donations! Lent is a time when we are encouraged to be mindful of those who are less fortunate and to support one another. Donations will still be accepted by Caritas over the next couple of weeks. See below on how: 

CSL Opportunities for Students

A reminder that students should use the holidays as an opportunity to look for ways to be involved in their communities. Please ensure you fill in your son/s diary pages(169-70) should they do any Christian Service Learning over the holiday period. 

Remembering the Sick or Passed Members of Our Community

Should you wish to have prayers said for a family member or friend, or an anniversary is coming up, we can publish their names in our school newsletter. The names will also be mentioned at our morning masses. Please contact Mr John Keogh should you wish to add a name – 

Oblate Cross Hosted by Our Year 12s

Over the last few weeks our Year 12s have been ‘hosting’ Fr Cranley’s Oblate Cross in their homes. This cross was given to Fr Cranley upon his ordination in 1956 and was passed onto the custody of the school when he passed away in 2015. Students host the cross for a week and use it as a prayful focal point for the week. They are also provided with an obituary of Fr Cranley, a reflection and prayer for Oblate vocations. 


Week 7 Willem D-E

Week 8 The Yr 12 Boarders 

Week 9 – Tana P

Week 10 – Max F 


Thank you very much for volunteering boys. We pray that you enjoyed the experience and your prayerful reflection with the Oblate cross was fruitful. 


The end of term sees us enter into the most sacred and special time in the Church’s calendar – Easter. Tomorrow (Thursday) is Holy Thursday, followed by Good Friday. It is during this time the Church community comes together to recognise the sacrifice of Jesus’s death on the cross for our sins and to celebrate his resurrection in showing there is life after death and victory over evil. The students have been discussing the season of Lent and the up coming celebration of Easter in their RE classes. We encourage you to ask your son/s about what discussions have taken place and test their knowledge!


The Catholic church has list of Easter mass times for each parish accessible below: 

Our Lady of Lourdes Easter Flyer

Holy Family Church Kalamunda Schedule

Rap Song

Late in the term one of our Year 12’s(Bradley Bannister) penned this short little rap in honour of the Pope. We thought we would share it with you below:

Da Pope Is Dope


Verse 1: Listen up, I got a story to tell 

'Bout a man in Rome, who's known very well 

He's the leader of the Church, the head honcho 

The one and only Pope, that's right, you know


Verse 2: He's got a lot on his plate, let me tell you that 

From running the Vatican, to dealing with haters' chat 

He spreads a message of love, and unity too 

And with every homily, he's preaching what's true


Chorus: The Pope, he's the man with the plan 

He's spreading the love across the land 

From Rome to New York, and everywhere in between 

He's a beacon of hope, and a true king


Verse 3: He's got a heart of gold, and he's full of grace

 He's reaching out to all, no matter their race

And though he's just a man, he's doing God's work 

Spreading the gospel, with every little perk


Verse 4: So let's give it up for the Pope, and all he does 

For standing up for what's right, and fighting for love 

He's the leader of the Church, and a true inspiration 

Let's follow his lead, and spread God's salvation


Chorus: The Pope, he's the man with the plan 

He's spreading the love across the land 

From Rome to New York, and everywhere in between 

He's a beacon of hope, and a true king


Outro: So there you have it, my rap about the Pope 

A man of the cloth, and a true dope 

He's leading the way, with love in his heart 

And for that, we should all play our part.


Flower Roster Volunteers


John Keogh

Director of Faith and Mission (acting)