And now a word from 

Mrs Richards...



In Week 1 we conducted a parent information session on the Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relations program that is taught across all levels from Foundation to Grade 6. This session was delivered by Paul Zappa, a Respectful Relationships Liaison Officer from the Department of Education.  Paul attempted to record the session so that those unable to attend could access the session later. Unfortunately, there was a technical issue, and it did not record. I will do my best to summarise. 


In 2015 there was a Royal Commission into Family Violence, and this led to the following recommendation;


In 2016, the Victorian government responded to the commission's findings by launching a $21.8 million Respectful Relationships program in schools, which aimed to promote gender equality, prevent family violence, and support victims of abuse. The program provides professional development for teachers and resources for students to help them learn about respectful relationships and consent.


Evidence is clear that a contributor to gender-based and family violence is strict adherence to gender roles, and gender stereotyping. The aim of respectful relationships is to change these attitudes in young people, so that as they enter relationships, they are less likely to engage in gender-based or family violence.

At our school, we are proud to offer the Rights, Resilience, and Respectful Relations program to our students. This program is an essential part of our commitment to creating a safe, inclusive, and respectful school community. The program is designed to teach children about their rights, promote resilience, and foster respectful relationships with others. It covers a range of topics, including:

  • Understanding and respecting the rights of others, including the right to safety, equality, and dignity.
  • Developing resilience and coping skills to deal with challenges and setbacks.
  • Building positive relationships with others, including friends, family, and the wider community. 

The program is delivered through a range of activities and resources, including classroom discussions, role-playing, and online resources.  The topics are consistent across all grade levels from Foundation to Grade 6 but content and activities are age appropriate for each level.