Community Events Team 

Anne Treasure

Community Events Page 


It’s a great term to connect at BNWPS! We have our school sports, trivia, pizza nights, plant and produce and winter solstice all coming up this term. 



Our fabulous School Sports Day is NEXT WEEK! We still need some volunteers to help out to make the day run smoothly. Please add your name to the spreadsheet here if you are able to help out for an hour or two on the day. 


Trivia Night Tickets available soon! 



Look out for a Sentral notice later this week for trivia ticket and table bookings! Start getting some friends together and planning your musical-themed outfit. 

CET dates ahead:

School Sports - 3 May: The BNWPS Whole School Sports Day is coming up next week - please add your name to the roster if you can. 


Pizza and Weeding Nights - 5 May, 2 June: Come to weed, stay to cook pizza! 


Plant and Produce - 12 May: Term 2 plant and produce run by grade 5 parents, with baked goods and plants from the whole community. 


Trivia Night - 27 May: Our super-fun night of trivia, dancing and fancy dress - find a babysitter and put it in your diary now! Tickets will go on sale next term. 


Winter Solstice - 21 June: An end of semester whole-school celebration and get-together. 


Buildings and Grounds Committee dates:

Working Bee - 21 May: Spend a morning helping to get the grounds looking great. 


Weeding and Pizza night - 5 May, 2 June: Come and help get the weeds in Yakai Baring under control. Bring pizza ingredients and drinks, and use the pizza oven to make dinner! 



If you want to get in touch about community events, email Anne and Brigid (co-chairs) at 

Buildings and Grounds:


All volunteers at the school need a valid Working With Children’s Check - click this link to apply if you don’t have one. It’s fairly straightforward and free for volunteers. 
