School Council 

Kelly Davis

School Council – Camp Program Discussion


Late last year School Council discussed the new teaching agreement and that it would severely impact the camps program at BNW. At our last School Council meeting in Term 1, Liz O’Neil and Jenny MacDonald joined the call to present and discuss some fantastic and insightful information gathered from the school community, as well as other schools in our area. The School Council wholeheartedly agrees that staff should be remunerated for the time that they spend on camps. We also agree that camps are a hugely valuable experience for our children – providing opportunities for independence as well as adventures and outdoor activities that challenge and develop their physical, social and emotional skills.


The conclusion we came to was there needs to be compromises this year. The duration, location, activities and cohorts are just a few of the things that need to be considered. School Council, leadership and teaching staff, and other community members are being included in these discussions. 


Conversations are ongoing within the leadership and teaching staff, and there is dedication to ensure that solutions can be found to this new challenge.  The staff and community members of BNW are creative, imaginative, thoughtful, and considerate of the needs of all our children and the expectations of our community.


If you would like to be involved or find out more please contact Liz, Jenny, or Kelly.