Talking strengths with 1/2L

"What am I good at?"

This week, 1/2L reflected on this question to discover their personal strengths. 


As a classroom, we brainstormed some characteristics that we are proud of like being courageous, kind, smart, adventurous and creative. 


We then read the book 'A Boy Like You' by Frank Murphy to think of all the possibilities that we can be as children.  


'A Boy Like You' encourages every child (the boy) to embrace all the things that make him unique, to be brave and ask for help, to tell his own story and listen to the stories of those around him. In an age when boys are expected to fit into a particular mould, this book celebrates all the wonderful ways to be unique. 


Afterwards, each child reflected on what they are good at and where those strengths manifest in different areas of their lives. Some children struggled to think of what they are good at, so I encouraged them to think of what they are most proud of or what they find easy to do.  It is very important that each child feels that they are good at something and can contribute meaningfully to their families, school and the wider community. 


Here are some examples of the fantastic work our students produced. 


Through this activity we explored the qualities that  make great leaders now and in the future.