Principal Post

Dear Families, 


Congratulations to Miss Leyla who will be getting married to Matt Klasan this Saturday.

From all within the community....

We couldn't be happier for the both of you wishing you joy, love and happiness as you begin your new life together! Many  blessings go with you!   Leyla will return  next Wednesday May 10th.  

Be Punctual

As we begin Term 2, it is important that

 all students  be in their classrooms by 8:45am.  If a student is late they must come to the office to get a late pass.


The students are not supervised until 8:30am. Camp Australia operates before school care from 6:30am. 

On our Student Wellbeing Page, their is an important article School is better when your child is here. Please read.


 2024 Foundation Interviews

Interviews for 2024 Foundation have begun for new families. 

Existing Families will be contacted in the coming weeks about an Interview time. Siblings are automatically enrolled. 

Please ensure that we have all the enrolment documentation at the office. 

We had another successful Open Day today with our final Open Day next Thursday 11th May. 

Enrolments applications for Foundation 2024 close on May 15th 2023


As we move into the cooler months and with COVID still present within the community, please ensure your child stays home if unwell.  Should you require a RAT test we have boxes at school. 



A reminder no cash sales at the canteen. Please ensure you read the Canteen page for more info.


If anyone has some Lego sets they no longer need could they please donate them to the school to be used for a construction club?

If anyone has any old Newspapers to donate could they please bring them for our Mother's Day event?


Mother's Day

Please make sure you order your Mother's Day gifts via cdf pay before the 10th of May. 

Please use the qr code located on the Mother's Day information to RSVP.

Parish School Fete 2023 

Please save the date Saturday October 21st.


If the fete is to go ahead we will need parents from the school to join the committee.  If we do not get at least a few parents to sit on the committee the fete will not go ahead. The Parish have asked that we have reasonable equality between Parishioners and School parents on the fete committee.  The fundraising profits from the fete will be split between the Parish and the school. 


The chair of the Parish Fete is a parishioner Alice Peters.


The next meeting is Tuesday May 23rd at 7pm and we will need to have parents who want to be on the committee to come to this meeting in person. 


At these initial meetings 'the committee's' role is to discuss what the fete will look like; what stalls and activities. The committee oversees the Fete.  A school parent role would be to liaise with other parents and school leadership.


We want your  ideas for stalls.  The Committee will also organise dates for following meetings. The meetings will be held in school term time not in holiday time. In the  past years,  meetings,  have been usually  been monthly and closer to the fete date, will be held fortnightly. 


Meetings will be held in person on Tuesdays at 7pm in the Gavin Felix room in the church.


If you are interested in joining the committee or you have any other feedback around the fete please  email me. 

Traffic Management

Traffic Management and Safety for our community is paramount.  The School Advisory Council has been working tirelessly with the Monash Council to ensure greater safety around parking (drop off and pick up ) at  the back of our school. 


I have sent an email (and hard copy) to all parents asking you to be particular vigilant and careful with parking at drop off and pick up times.  This also applies within our Parish car park. 


We need all community members  to be  cooperative and considerate of all within our school and neigbourhood to ensure safety is our number one priority.  I thank Maria Smith our Council chair and all members of the Council for their ongoing work. 


Please Read....

A lovely letter of  acknowledgement  from the St Vincent de Paul regarding our Mini Vinnies Social Justice work and fundraising efforts. This was in relation to Crazy Hair Day!