Learning & Teaching

In this week’s newsletter I will share with you our Inquiry Learning focus for this term.

This term we will be continuing with our whole school inquiry concept of Change.  

At our school we implement semester long inquiry learning topics so that students can extend and consolidate their learning on a particular concept or content area. This inquiry concept will focus on the curriculum areas of Geography using the Inquiry question: Why do places change?  


This term each year level will build on their knowledge of the Geography curriculum and extend their thinking. 


Each year level will have a different focus within  the curriculum area of Geography:


Foundation: Our School

This term the foundation students will learn about how to care for specific places and will begin to create drawing and simple maps of different places.


Year 1 & 2: Where am I?

This term the Year 1 & 2 students will identify the features of different landscapes found within Australia.  The student will also compare and contrast different types of landscapes and identify the advantages and disadvantages of living in a particular place. 


Year 3 & 4: Our Place in the World

This term the Year 3 & 4 students will continue to extend their knowledge about Australia and will investigate and compare the climate and geographical features of different places within Australia.  The student will also compare and contrast the geographical features of Australia with the geographical features of Indonesia.


Year 5 & 6: Our World

This term the Year 5 & 6 students will take a closer look at the world map.They will investigate, compare and contrast different continents within our world. Students will create, interpret and analyse different types of  maps.


If you have any further questions in regards to learning and teaching please contact me via email: 


Rebecca Chan

Learning and Teaching Leader
