Dates to Remember 

2023  I m p o r t a n t    D a t e s 


  • Friday  5th May House Fun Run Year 3-6 
  • Saturday 6th May / Sunday 7th May -  Rite of Acceptance for students enrolled in the Parish Based Sacrament of Confirmation Program
  • Wednesday 10th Mothers Day gifts need to be ordered by today 4pm
  • Wednesday 10th  RSVP to Mothers day event by today
  • Thursday 11th - SJV Open Day Tour 9.15am & 10.15am
  • Friday 12th - Mother's day Stall in Performing Arts Area
  • Friday 12th - Mother's Day Breakfast event  RSVP must be in 
  • Friday 12th - Class Masses Begin 5-6 A 9am in church
  • Sunday 14th - Mothers Day
  • Monday 15th - Mother's Day Event 7:30am  Hall
  • Friday 19th - Class Mass 5-6 F 9am  
  • Friday 19th May-Walk to School Day
  • Friday 26th -National Sorry Day
  • Friday 26th  - Class Masses 5-6 M 9am 
  • Saturday 27th - Reconciliation Week begins
  • Sunday 28th - Pentecost Sunday 

Camp Dates

Year 6  Camp Phillip Island Adventure Camp 

Tuesday July 11th - Friday July 14th 


Year 4 Camp Sovereign Hill - Ballarat

Wednesday August 2nd  - Friday August 4th