Grade 2 Students 

Celebrating our terrific Twos!

2A - Ms Meagan and Mrs Bird

Grade 2’s have been learning how to write persuasive texts. They were so excited to receive a letter from Santa that asked them if they could convince him of why their class should receive an elf this Christmas. They wrote some very convincing arguments!

Charlotte P
Charlotte P
Aidan P
Aidan P
Sadie N
Sadie N

2B - Miss Bailey

Last week, 2B received a very exciting letter from the North Pole. Since receiving this letter, they have been very busy working hard and writing back to Santa. They have all created their own persuasive letters on why 2B deserve an Elf on the Shelf. They have gone through the planning, drafting, revising and editing stages and have finally made it to the publishing stage, just in time to send their letters off before December 1st. Let's hope they have convinced Santa!

Darius H
Darius H
Neive J
Neive J

2C - Mrs Mac

Would you believe that Santa wrote us a letter in 2C? He has asked us to convince him as to whether he should send an elf on the shelf to our classroom this year. It was the perfect opportunity to put our persuasive skills to use. Here we are planning and drafting our letters!