Foundation Students

Celebrating our  fabulous Foundies!

FA - Miss Zoe

This week we had a class disco. We had Grace and Charlie’s birthdays this week and the return of Charlie to celebrate. The children had a ball. They moved and grooved and we even saw a ‘worm’ attempt from Lewis. It’s delightful to see the children together, having fun and being silly (and safe of course)!

Matilda J and Lewis C:
Matilda J and Lewis C:

Evan is working hard to solve his addition sums using a number line. We discussed starting from the larger number and counting on. We also noticed sometimes it was easier to quickly do mental maths in our brains, especially if we just had to add on one or if we had remembered a number strategy -  like our doubles!

Evan T
Evan T

FB - Miss Ady

This week Foundation B were lucky enough to have one of our big buddies and school captain Sari come and read us the story Giraffe’s Can’t Dance. We loved listening to her read to us. We then reflected on our own personal qualities and traced our hand and wrote words in our fingers that described us.

Thanks for teaching us Sari!


In keeping with the buddy theme, we caught up with our buddies outside again this week. Here are Ned L (Foundation B) and Olivia getting super crafty with chalk. Can you see who they’ve drawn?

FC - Miss Lou and Mrs Clancy

The Foundation C class have been learning all about place value, focusing on Tens and ones. The students received a jellyfish with a two digit number on it. They then had to count and attach the correct MAB paper tens and ones to the jellyfish. They did such a wonderful job and were really engaged through this process. 

Foundation C have been working hard at learning to read and  write their Magic Words. They have achieved so much this year!