Old Collegians

Aerial Photo 1957

I mentioned in a previous issue that Jim Taylor had passed away. I am pleased to now be able to tell you a bit about Jim, with thanks to Merrylee for providing the information.  

Jim Taylor (Student 1946-1947)

Jim Taylor was a student in 1946-1947, school captain, dux and Life Member with his name on the Honour Wall. Jim was born on 2 February 1930 in Bridgetown and passed away on 25 August 2021 at the great age of 91 years.  He attended Kangaroo Gully state school from ages 6 to 11, walking three miles cross country from Glenalwyn. His father died of a heart attack in 1938 and his mother continued farming. Jim went to Guildford Grammar School from 1942 to 1945, a period interrupted by the bombing of Darwin, during which time they spent 18 months at Fairbridge Farm in Pinjarra, while the Navy used the grammar school as a hospital. He then went to DSA in 1946. He was captain of the school football team as well as playing for the local Denmark senior team. 

Jim Taylor seated on right of Principal Charles Buckingham (Centre front)
Jim Taylor seated on right of Principal Charles Buckingham (Centre front)


Above: Jim Taylor seated on right of Principal Charles Buckingham (Centre front)


After obtaining his diploma, Jim returned to Bridgetown and did work experience with Rob Scott at ‘Fainash’, Winnijup. He then returned to the farm with his mum. The farm was debt free so it was time to expand. Firstly, he leased Cobley’s orchard then bought the neighbouring property, ‘The Hollow’ for 2,500 pounds. In 1962 he bought another neighbouring property ‘Windy Hollow’ for 10,000 pounds. He then bought an uncleared block, which he cleared and fenced and later sold to buy into ‘Dalmore’ with his cousin, Dick Walter. He had built his business from the 100 acre farm to thousands of acres of orchard, pigs, cattle, sheep and dairy. 


Jim immersed himself in community life. He played football with the Rovers football club, winning premierships. At 18 he joined Junior Farmers and was elected president in 1951. He learned public speaking, leading the debate team representing WA at the Sydney Royal Agricultural Show. In 1953, he was on the council of the Agricultural Society and steward in the Dairy section. In 1959 he was Chairman of the shire Youth Committee. With Apex he was service director, public speaking director, treasurer, president and in 1968 the first Apex District Governor to be made a Life Member and the first Life Member from his club. 


In 1970, Jim was a founding member of the Kangaroo Gully Fire Brigade. He was Fire Control Officer from 1970-1980, Bridgetown Fire Control Officer from 1988-2000. In 2017 he was made a Life Member of the Kangaroo Gully Bush Fire Brigade. He was a first aider and drove for St John Ambulance. He became a Shire Councillor for Bridgetown-Greenbushes  and later Shire President. He was also chairman of the planning committee, represented Lower South West Councils and served for three years on the South West Development Commission. He was awarded the Centenary Medal for his contribution to the local community and local government in 2001.


In 1965, Jim met Pam Quinan when she was on a working nursing holiday at Manjimup hospital. They married in 1970 and moved to ‘Windy Hollow’ which they later opened up as a bed and breakfast. They had two children, Andrew in 1972 and then Merrylee. 

Jim lived a full life and will be well remembered by his community.

Reunion - Update

ABC TV Landline programme on 14th November carried a story about ex-Aggies from Roseworthy Agricultural College in South Australia, who had been having reunions for 50 years. Our group (1953-1956) have surpassed that having had reunions for 68 years – a wonderful achievement. 


We rely on one of us putting their hand up to organise the event each year and many thanks go to Don Miller for this year's fantastic reunion in Pemberton. We will be notifying Landline of our group’s success and also the College 80th reunion planned for next year, in conjunction with the Denmark Historical Society which they will hopefully cover in their programme to promote Denmark.


The Farm Weekly recently reported the Supreme Clip of the wool sale winner with Elders– A K Stirling & Co “Carinya Park”, Kendenup. In the May issue of this newsletter I noted the passing of Ken, a past student in 1954-1955. Congratulations to Ken’s son, James (past student 1980-1981) and his wife Angie on your outstanding achievement. Another successful product of the Denmark Agricultural School/College.


Also from my group. I can report that Don Jones is receiving radiotherapy and results so far are very positive. Another member, Kevin Male (1955-1956) has also had an operation and is doing well.

Vale Len Smith

Len Smith recently passed away aged 85 years.  Len was the son of Gar Smith, the woodwork instructor who came from Narrogin School of Agriculture to Denmark in 1942. Len’s funeral was held in Albany on 19th November. We attended on behalf of the Association and ourselves to pay our respects. Our group held a reunion in Albany some years ago and stayed at his motel – known as the ‘Whale Motel’ for the dark blue whale in the light blue pool in front of the building on Albany Highway.


Our thanks to the family for providing Len’s life history...He went to school in Denmark, later moving to Albany where he spent the remainder of his life. He was a great connector and a caring person. He was also the ultimate story teller, sharing stories that had everyone in fits of laughter. As a community member he was awarded the 1983 Town of Albany Citizen of the Year, a Life member of Apex, Paul Harris Fellow of Rotary, 2001 Legend of the Tourism and Hospitality Industry (awarded by the State Govenment, Australian Centenary Award, 2004 Albany Chamber of Commerce and Industry Person of the Year and the 2005 Sir David Brand Medal for services to tourism. He was a member of many organisations including Executive committee member of the Albany CCI for over 25 years, and a committee member of the Albany Visitors Centre for over 30 years. Not at all bad for a man who started his working life as a fruit picker in Denmark.


Len’s son, Graeme, attended Denmark Agricultural District High School as an Aggie in 1986-1987. He is a Life Member of the Association and has his name on the Honour Wall. 

We extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to Susan and Graeme and all the Smith family on your sad loss. He was a kind and loving man. May he Rest in Peace. 


The College Graduation Day was a great success and a wonderful day. Congratulations to all the graduates on your achievements. We wish you all the very best in your endeavours. The Association provided bumper stickers for the graduates and hope they will display them with pride. The Association scholarship – The George Elliott Memorial Scholarship – was awarded to Sam Irwin. Sam is a Denmark Senior High School student enrolled in the college from 2022. Congratulations Sam – we wish you success.

Whilst in Denmark, we had a meeting with the new principal and staff to discuss the 80th anniversary reunion to be held next year. It was productive and positive. Watch this space for news next year. 


Remember to contact us to have your name added to the Honour Wall. Contacts are: Wendy Sutton 0419 048 694; Marjorie Morrison 9848 1633; Delys Ravenhill 0427 408 051 or myself 0428 526 398, email: hisylvi@bigpond.com.


Send your news to me at the above email address.

On behalf of the committee, wives and partners, myself and Sylvia, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a safe, healthy New Year. 


Until next year, Cheerio for now

Don McCausland
