Residential Manager Report

Southwest Adventure Tour

Thank you to Peter Worthington, Dane Carter and Jenny Scahill for another fantastic excursion. Students stayed at the Busselton Camping Centre – Baptist Church and judging by the photographs and reports a fantastic time was had by all.  Students and staff visited the Busselton Archery Park, Gravity Trampoline Centre, and Laser Tag.  This camp is always well attended and students return refreshed and happy.   

Leavers Jackets 2022

The design has been submitted through to Reform, I will be in touch with the committee members via phone and email shortly to allow them to view the final design.  The plan is to have orders placed and paid for, hopefully before the end of the school year.  


I have spoken with a local supplier who will also provide us with a quote.  The jackets can then be ordered and delivered in a much timelier manner than in 2021.

Tutoring & Homework Help

There is a Facebook group that you can join to access local tutor information.  Please contact the College if you would like more information regarding this.

Laundry- Purchase of underwear bags

Can I request that parents purchase 3 underwear bags for 2022.  Students are overstuffing their bags and this is causing issues for the laundry ladies.  Could I also request that all clothing is named. Clothing without name tags will be displayed on the table for collection when the laundry is staffed.  A record of lost clothing is kept in the laundry.  If students have lost an item of clothing, please report it to the laundry staff.

College Uniforms

There are second hand uniforms available in the laundry and via our Facebook group WACoA Denmark – Buy and Sell – Second-hand uniforms.

Health & Wellbeing

When making Dr’s appointments our preference is that the appointments are made for 3:30pm onwards.  This causes the least amount of disruption and enables the residential staff to be involved when their shift starts.


The College continues to provide support to students attending the local Doctor’s Surgery and other health related appointments. Where possible these appointments are to be made outside of school hours to minimise disruption to the school program. For any follow up appointments with specialists the College asks parents and carers where possible to make these during school holidays. Please contact the College if your child has any medical imaging needs before appointments are made in Albany. 


When students are ill in residence the College will provide immediate care and will arrange necessary medical appointments. To minimise the spread of illness all students who are unwell are required to remain in their rooms, eat after all other students and minimise contact with other students until recovered. If students are unable to participate in the learning program for more than one day the College will contact families to discuss alternative care arrangements.

School Nurse

We will be encouraging students to self-refer to the school nurse.  Parents can also refer their student to the nurse.  Please let the ladies on the front desk know that you would like an appointment.   

School Psychologist

Bree Crocket is our Registered School Psychologist for 2022. Bree will be on campus on Thursday and every second Tuesday for students who would like to make an appointment.  Bree can help students with strategies for settling into boarding life, managing relationships, study habits and exam stress. We would like to encourage students to use this valuable service.  Parents can contact Bree on a Tuesday and Thursday at the College.

Vehicle Forms

Prior to any student vehicle being brought to the College in 2022 please ensure all forms are completed and up-to-date and that any vehicle that comes on to site has been approved.  


Reminder for all parents and students - we require students to hand in any medication that they have to residential staff; medication is recorded, stored and administered from the residential office.


Weekend Leave – have it in REACH by Wednesday night...Thank you…I appreciate that.


Kelli Gillies
Kelli Gillies