Head of Studies Report


The Year 12 Graduation was an outstanding success and I’m sure a memorable occasion for all students, families and College staff. We would sincerely like to congratulate all of the students involved. The teaching staff agree that it has been a real pleasure teaching this cohort of students over the last three years and we look forward to hearing about the next chapters of their stories as they move on in life.


A special thank you to sponsors who donated and presented awards to our well deserving recipients. These students consistently demonstrated outstanding efforts, progress and abilities during their time here in both the practical and/or academic areas. 

Year 12 ATAR Exams

Many of our students completed external ATAR examinations for Animal Production Systems, Plant Production Systems, Mathematics Applications, Biology and English in early November. The students involved and their teachers spent a great deal of time revising and preparing for these exams over recent weeks. Best wishes to the students involved and thank you to our ATAR teachers for your dedication and hard work over the past 12 months.

Year 10 & 11 Semester Two Reports

The teaching and instructional staff have been busy finalising assessments, subject/course results and generating report comments for our Year 10 and 11 students. Semester Two reports will be emailed home at the end of the school year. I encourage parents with enquires and/or concerns with their child’s report to make contact with the teaching staff via email or telephone at the start of the 2022 school year.


11A and 11B horticulture students were thrilled with their potato crop...the College dining room provides nutritious, well designed meals, all prepared under the direction of a qualified Chef. In addition to using locally grown produce, the Chef uses vegetables, eggs, meat and milk that are all grown and produced on the College farm.

Study Tour

Our Year 10 Study Tour is now underway with 33 students and 8 staff departing for the South West region for a week long camp.  Educational outcomes will centre on exposing students to agricultural enterprise and employment opportunities that exist in this region of the State. These industry visits will reinforce what students have learnt at the College. Other non-agricultural educational visits are also planned for the tour.   Please take the time to look at some of the photos and highlights on our Facebook page. 


Two of our long term staff will be leaving us this year. Kylie Warburton has taken up a position at Kambalda West District High School in a teaching and OLNA programme coordinator role. Kylie has served at the College for 11 years. Kylie's replacement is Sarah Johnson commencing in the new year. 


Daniel Gibbins has taken up a position at Salesian College in Sunbury in Victoria, where he will be an Agricultural Teacher and Co-ordinator of the agricultural curriculum and Certificate II in Agriculture. In addition, he will be involved in the show cattle on this 400ha property. 


Also, Shiralee Goodwill, will be taking 12 months leave from her HASS and English role in 2022.


We wish them all the best for the future and acknowledge their hard work and dedication to the College. 


Finally, as the 2021 College year draws to an end I wish all members of the College Community a relaxing, enjoyable and safe Christmas break. 

Stuart Irwin
Stuart Irwin