Deputy Principal's Report

Enrolment Days

Our Enrolment Days for incoming 2022 students will take place on Thursday 9 and Friday 10 of December.  These are important days designed to best prepare new students for the start of the 2022 school year.  Students will be provided with their 2022 course programme and subject options and have the opportunity to try on and purchase uniform items.  It is also an important opportunity for parents and students to share information with the College so we’re as best prepared as we can be to meet the needs of incoming students.


The College celebrated the graduation of the 2021 class on Friday 19 of November, the ceremony was a huge success. Congratulations to all scholarship and award winners and a special thank you to our sponsors for contributing to the event and to our Guest Speaker, Glenn Capelli, a thinking and learning expert who provided a very animated and enlightening talk to our graduates.

Semester Reports

Semester Two Reports will be emailed to parents at the end of the school year.  These reports will provide details of their son’s / daughter’s 2021 course, OLNA and VET achievements.

Year 10 Work Experience

The Year 10 students will be completing a four-day block of school-authorised work experience at the end of Term 4 (Monday 13 to Thursday 16 December). The teaching and training staff are hoping to visit most students on site during their work experience placement. If parents have any questions regarding this work experience programme they should contact me at the College. 

Advanced Wool Handling

Eight Year 11 Students were recently involved in an Advanced Wool Handling course. Students received training in wool pressing, preparing wool for classing and performance of shed duties. The course was co-ordinated by Darren Scahill with South Regional TAFE providing the training and assessment. Units achieved can be used towards the Certificate III Agriculture and Certificate III Advanced Wool Handling qualifications. 

Start of 2022 School Year

  • All new Year 10, and 11 students are required to be at the College from 12 noon on Sunday 30 January 2022. 
  • Previously enrolled Residential students return after 2pm on Tuesday February 1 2022.
  • Previously enrolled Day students return to College at 8.00 am Wednesday February 2 2022 for the start of the normal timetable.


On behalf of the teaching and training staff at the WA College of Agriculture, Denmark I’d like to wish all our parents and students a happy and safe Xmas and New Year season. 

Amanda Gaunt
Amanda Gaunt