Principal's Report

As I type this, the end of the term is racing towards us and the new year will be here before we know it. I am pleased to report that the term has progressed well and our students continue to shine in a variety of areas across the College. As the year draws to a close, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish our school community a great Christmas and hope it is spent with loved ones. I look forward to seeing you all in 2022.

2022 Student Leadership Team

Congratulations to our 2022 student leadership team. I am pleased to announce that our prefects are: Chontelle Bock, Mitch Jones, Hamish Mostert, Teylan Rogers, Zoe Skinner and Bailey Forman. It is also my pleasure to announce the school captains for 2022: Teylan Rogers and Hamish Mostert. Congratulations to all who partook in the process. 

Congratulations to our Prefects 2022
Congratulations to our Prefects 2022


COVID requirements continue to be a feature in school planning. As you know from the commencement of Term 1 2022 all staff, regardless of their work fraction or role, will be required to be fully immunised.  Staff who are not vaccinated and cannot provide a medical exemption, will not be allowed on site. There is no requirement by the Department of Education for students to be vaccinated; however, many industry groups require employees to be vaccinated. This will definitely impact our students when they attend work experience and may have some impact when they attend some off-site excursions. In these instances, students will need to provide proof of vaccination directly to the employer.  More documentation will be sent home to families about this in the coming weeks. 

Albany Show

This year we attended the Albany Show. Having a site in the Western Pavillion provided us with a great opportunity to engage with past, present and future families. It was great to see our students performing well in sheep, cattle and equestrian events. I attended both days and was an avid viewer of most of the events. I’m sure that Mr Marshall will provide a detailed account of the outcome, but it was fair to say that the students did the College proud. Well done to the students and staff who volunteered their time over the two days.


Planning for 2022

We are in the final stages of planning for 2022. We continue to have a strong waiting list for our student cohorts. Please contact the school office if you do not intend for your child to continue their enrolment into 2022.

2021 Survey

Thank you to those who completed the recent survey. The response has been limited and we would really like more families to engage in this process. The end of year surveys are a wonderful opportunity to register your voice. We have a great school but there’s always room for improvement. Please complete the survey and provide us with feedback.


Thank you to all who attended our graduation on Friday the 19th November, 2021. What a wonderful show case it was of our student’s achievements. It was great to hear about our student’s plans for the future and to learn that so many are moving into the Agriculture industry. I wish our students well with their future endeavours. 


Rebecca Kirkwood
Rebecca Kirkwood