
Food, Textiles & Agriculture

Grow Cook Sell 

– When life gives you lemons…

As students in Grow Cook Sell have been looking at ways of reducing waste in the kitchen and ways to preserve produce from the garden, they were given a challenge of creating a product using lemon curd. Students prepared the lemon curd using the eggs and lemons from the school garden and designed a suitable product using the lemon curd they could sell to the school community at recess.


As part of the MasterChef Challenge, students collaborated and ‘squeezed’ out their ideas to produce delicious lemon curd cupcakes, lemon curd cookies, and lemon curd tarts.


Last Thursday at recess, the students sold their lemon products to the school community, with the Lemon Curdettes winning the challenge with their Lemon Curd Cupcakes.


Congratulations to all teams for their amazing efforts, you all have a ‘zest’ for life!

Grade 5/6 Food Technology

In our first lesson back in the classroom the Grade 5/6 students revised personal hygiene and safety and their knife skills.


Students created their own savoury pinwheels and developed their skills in dicing, slicing, spreading, rolling and baking.


Year 7 Agriculture

Over the last few weeks, students have been learning about the welfare of chickens and investigating ways in which they could improve their welfare at Edenhope College. They have also been learning about chicken enrichment activities.

It has been wonderful to see some of our Year 7 students being involved in preparing the calves for showing in a few weeks under the leadership of Year 11 student Alana Ryan. The commitment and dedication of these students is praiseworthy.

Year 7 Textiles

Students in Year 7 have been learning how to use the sewing machine to continue on their learning journey of using the design process to produce their very own ‘creature’. Students 

have used their research and Mood Board to inspire their design for their own ‘creature’.

Students have been creating their own patterns for their ‘creature’ and using a range of techniques to produce their ‘creature’. It has been wonderful to see the confidence and positive approach to learning students have shown in Textiles, particularly in using the sewing machine!

Primary Agriculture

After going on their animal discovery tour of the farm at Edenhope College, students discovered that we have chicken, sheep, cows, and worms at school.


Over the last few weeks students in F/1/2 have been learning about the life cycle of a chicken and doing an ‘egg – speriment’. Students were able to identify the different parts of the egg and list ways in which eggs can be used at school and at home.


Students in Grade 3/4 have been looking at sustainability and ways to grow vegetables from food scraps. They have set up an experiment using a range of food scraps from the kitchen and finding ways they can grow and then be planted in the garden.


Mrs Annabel Hawkins

Technology – Food, Agriculture, Textiles Teacher

Agricultural Studies

In Agricultural studies this semester we have been very busy looking after both our new calves and the sheep flock, as well as learning about pastures and which species are better for keeping our stock healthy. We also planted more trees in the plantations to create a more sheltered space for the stock.


We have five Fresian calves (Thank you to the Linto family) and two Jersey calves (Thank you to Cows Create Careers), all which are now weaned and enjoying life in the paddocks. We have to thank all the students and families that helped out with the daily feeding of the calves over the weekends and a special thank you to Chloe Dubois and family for taking over the feeding for the duration of Remote Learning. Several students are now learning how to lead the calves under the expert tuition of Alana Ryan from Year 11. These students will represent the school later in November at a small competition, in lieu of the Edenhope Show.


The sheep all received a drench and vaccination prior to lambing, and we have to thank Mr. O’Leary for crutching all the ewes. We now have 11 new baby lambs which we have marked and towards the end of the semester will be weaned and shorn prior to being sold.


On Friday the 19th November the Agricultural class will be attending a field day with students from Apsley. Mrs Rainsford has arranged for several guest speakers to be at the College to talk on different Agricultural subjects such as Wool, Cattle and how to prepare animals for showing. The groups will rotate around each guest speaker and the day will culminate with each school presenting and leading their calves. We wish Alana and her trusty troupe of Calf Leaders all the best for the day.


Mrs Jane Francis

Agricultural Studies Teacher