Greetings from Julie 


All the students and their teachers are working really hard on this year’s production. Filming day is fast approaching, and before we know it, we will have it ready to send out to families! Although it has been hard adapting to the changing COVID protocols throughout this process, it has also been a wonderful opportunity for students to consider that given that the final product is a film, how we might do this differently to a live performance. A huge thank you to all the staff who have dedicated hours of their time to make this happen. I can’t wait to see it!


End of Year Picnic

We are delighted to be able to announce that the time-honoured tradition of the Northcote Primary School end-of-year picnic can go ahead this year. This year the picnic will be 5pm – 7pm on Monday 6th December, 2021. It will be a great opportunity to see everybody face to face and celebrate how fortunate we are to have been part of this supportive community this year. 


COVID safe

School events, gatherings, and assemblies

Great that our end of year events can proceed! The following is the current advice from the school operations guide:

“Outdoor events are strongly encouraged. Assemblies and other events exclusive to staff and students from single school can resume. Formals, graduations, and other ceremonies (including events held off school premises and/or with parents/carers and other guests) can resume.” 

Since this advise was issued, restrictions have relaxed again. We are expecting a new operations guide any day. 


Prep enrolments for 2022

Given that we have been unable to do school tours until recently, we have extended the deadline for prep enrolments for 2022. We are keen to get as many enrolments as possible, so please recommend us to friends and family. Enrolments will be accepted right up until the last week of school, but ideally we would like students to enrol earlier in order to be able to attend transitions days. 


Annual Improvement Plan

It is that time of year when we review our Annual Improvement Plan and set goals for next year. One of the key improvement strategies in the plan is “develop a shared understanding of and capacity to implement student voice, agency and leadership”. We have therefore, been asking students their views on our progress toward this goal. Some of the feedback from our students shows that they know that being a leader takes many different forms. Here are some of the responses when asked them “What do you do to be a leader at school?” 

I try to be funny and cheer everyone up so that everyone is in a good mood.

You need to be encouraging and be kind and respectful to others.

If I see someone without friends, I will try and help them out. 

I am very impressed that our students can articulate that they are all leaders, not just the students who are given leadership positions. These responses were submitted anonymously to ensure authentic feedback. I am very proud of all the students for taking this opportunity to give feedback seriously. This is invaluable in helping us set goals for next year. 


Child Safe

Northcote Primary School is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. This will be the primary focus of our care and decision-making. Northcote Primary School has zero tolerance for child abuse and is committed to providing a child safe environment.


Take care and stay safe

Julie Andrews

Acting Principal

Collaboration – Community - Respect