Principal's Report
A message from the Principal
Principal's Report
A message from the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
I want to welcome everyone to the 2022 school year. I am thrilled that we are able to have students on site and judging by the announcements made by The Premier last week, remote learning will only be adopted as a last resort. I am sure that there will be mixed emotions in terms of how students and their parents/carers feel about returning to school. That is only to be expected. It is clear that we will need to be adaptable and adjust to circumstances as they arise.
What I do know is that within the organisation we have the good will, expertise and desire to make this work. We have clear guidelines in place that will support the safety of all. Guidelines that are fundamentally underpinned by:
My staff and I look forward to working with you this year. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any concerns or think we can be of any assistance. We have a deep desire to ensure that there is a strong relationship between school and home. It is through this relationship that we can better support our students in their journey through secondary school.
Ray Squires
College Principal