
Physical Education | Visual Arts | Performing Arts | Italian | STEM

The Specialist Team would like to thank the Aitken Hill Primary School community for all their hard work with completing a school year full of ups and downs that will be remembered forever. 


We thank the families for engaging in our remote learning program throughout the year and having to hand in a variety of assignments weekly. Thank you for your flexibility and persistence in getting through the year. 


We thank the community for helping our students transition smoothly back to the normal school routine and for following the guidelines in place. We hope this year was still an amazing year of learning for you all.

Performing Arts Events

Due to the covid restrictions, the Performing Arts Incursion has been postponed to the 8th of March, 2022. The show presented by Alpha Shows will now be King Arthur. If you have already paid for the incursion this year, you do not need to pay again. Details will be provided closer to the date. 


Capturing the magic of the classic legend and its characters combined with the magic and traditions of an Alpha Show, King Arthur is a wonderfully engaging show, utilising the classic myth to create a lot of fun as well as significant character development usually only seen in movies. Allow the audience to resonate and be inspired as they connect in with the various archetypes ingrained in the story and our souls. Camelot is an energy that is available to all of us today, and this story inspires all to connect into their own power, create equality within and with all others, and become more loving so that we can all be kings!



Visual Arts Highlights!

Icarus - Self-Portraits

Ulysses - Self-Portraits with Plasticine

Sport 2022

2022 Grade 5/6 Interschool Sports

Next year, we are looking to begin an interschool sporting program for our grades 5/6 students. This includes our students going to other venues to verse other schools in sport. Here is a Google form  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScTy9GbNH3gql6O-9l5ChvnY6W87bvjIhwvvmYiST7_qtB_4g/viewform?usp=sf_linkCompleting this survey with your child will help us plan for the 2022 interschool sport year. 

2022 Swimming District Trials

If you believe your child is a strong and capable swimmer and they are wanting to try out for the Craigieburn district swimming trials, please see Alannah so she can register them for the day.

Date: Tuesday 8th February 2022 

Location: Splash Swimming Centre

Time: 6am start (parents to take and collect their child)

Things to remember over the break...

Staying Active!

Children and young people should aim for at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day involving mainly aerobic activities that makes their heart beat faster—more is better. The 60 minutes can be made up of shorter bursts of activity throughout the day that add up to 60 minutes or longer. Activities that are vigorous, as well as those that strengthen muscle and bone, should be incorporated (in the recommended 60 minutes of daily physical activity) at least three days per week. In addition, several hours of a variety of light physical activities should be undertaken each day.

Some great ideas include:

Basketball, soccer, netball, lap swimming, skipping or running are all great ways to add more vigorous activity to a day. They don’t have to be organised, paid activities— they can be as simple as grabbing a ball or a friend and running around at the park. Anything that makes kids ‘huff and puff’ counts!

Add to the daily total with moderate-intensity activities such as bike riding, scootering or skateboarding. Swap a drive to the local shops or library with a bike or scooter ride.

Examples of light activities include leisurely walking or playing handball. Walking your dog or to school is a great way to increase light activity. Some activity is better than none.

Great options to strengthen muscles and bones include skipping, running, yoga, jumping, push-ups, sit-ups, lifting weights, lunges, squats, climbing trees or swinging on monkey bars.

Try to switch sitting for being active. Encourage kids to get off the bus a stop earlier, or to meet friends for a game in the park rather than spend their leisure time sedentary on a screen. These small changes will deliver health benefits, but remember to maintain sufficient sleep.

Source: Australian Movement Guidelines 

For more Information visit www.health.gov.au

Sun Smart

Please remember in term 1 and 4, all students need to be wearing a hat when playing outdoors. Sunscreen is also recommended. 

Water Safety

Now that it is beginning to get warmer again, we need to remember to keep water safe. 

Don't swim unless the pool water is safe. 

Don't swim unless an adult is at home and close by, and who can see you. 

No jumping into the pool if anyone else is in there. 

No diving. 

Don't sit on the filter. 

‘Say no to phones’ when adults are supervising the children swimming

Swim between the yellow and red flags (at the beach)

Wear life jackets when on a boat/canoe 

No running around the pool deck




Italian 2022

Congratulazioni (congratulations) to the 2021 students of Aitken Hill Primary School! This year's students are pioneers - having completed the very first year of the Italian program at our school - and they have completed it with enthusiasm and a positive attitude - eccellente! (excellent!)


Students this year have worked through some of the basics of Italian, creating a strong foundation for their learning - including the Italian alphabet, basic greetings, colours, numbers, days of the week and months of the year, birthdays, and language relating to the weather.

Next year, we will continue to build on our Italian vocabulary and grammar, as well as continue to extend our ability to converse in Italian, and also learn a lot more about Italian culture.


Every February, Italy celebrates CARNEVALE - the Italian Carnival that started long ago in the city of Venice. Our school will be celebrating Carnevale, too! We will be creating masks, learning about traditional Venetian costumes, and celebrating together as a school. Carnival is all about having fun and expressing yourself creatively. Get excited!

Lastly, wishing all students and families safe and happy holidays - and BUON ANNO! (Good Year!) 

Auguri per un felice 2022! (best wishes for a happy 2022!)
