Year Prep - Year 2

Assistant Principal's Report

Junior School News

Welcome back to Week Four,


What a busy but exciting term it has continued to be.  Thank you to all of the parents and carers that have been in for a Parent-Teacher interview, either last Tuesday evening or since then.   There are so many wonderful events and learning taking place on a daily basis, and it is great to be able to celebrate these with families.  Last week also saw us running our Mothers Day stall and there were a lot of excited students planning what they might get Mum on her special day.  I hope that all mothers enjoyed their gifts and were well spoiled on Sunday!


Student learning has continued to be our main focus of course, and as we come into a busy assessment period, prior to student reports being written, this provides an opportunity to celebrate the enormous growth that students have made since the beginning of the year.  This is particularly true of our Prep students in their first semester at school who have now learned almost every single letter in the alphabet and met nearly all of Milo's special friends. This means that in the next few weeks, Milo will be celebrating his birthday with friends and we will be sure to celebrate Milo's birthday, and our learning, with him!


In Year One, students are about to commence learning about time and duration of time. This will include learning about how to tell the time on digital and analogue clocks, as well as knowing the days of the week and months of the year.  Place value remains a strong focus in Numeracy sessions too, where students are learning how to make and model two-digit numbers using different materials.  During Inquiry sessions, students have been learning all about light and sound and will be able to explain to you how vibrations create sound waves if you check in and ask them.


In Year Two, students have been busy learning about how living creatures change over time, with a focus on animals and what they need to survive in their natural habitat.  In coming weeks, this will lead into exploring the life-cycles of different animals and writing some information reports. In writing, narrative writing remains the focus and it has been fantastic to see the students exhibit their creativity and thoughts through some very well-written narratives. Having been through rooms it is evident that a lot of thought and effort has gone into the planning of these narratives which has made the drafting process a lot easier.  I look forward to seeing the published texts!


I wish all Year Three and Year Five students, sitting their NAPLAN tests this week, the best of luck. Although I know that they are very well prepared after all of the work they have put in so far this year and will do us all proud.


Until next time, take care!



Danny Forster 

Assistant Principal in Junior School