Learning in S40

Senior School S40 Rahimi is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

S40’s Summit to Success!

Last term, S40 focused on setting SMART goals and planning how to work towards achieving these. The Year 5’s have found they are great at setting goals, but what next?  What does it mean to reach these goals?   How can we stay motivated and set new goals?


This term S40 is making sure we track and celebrate our success.  Often, we are our own harshest critic and may forget all the learning we have achieved.  Therefore, this term, S40 is going to celebrate success together. This is not only a celebration of our successes but also motivation and inspiration for all our future goals.


We found that we are more motivated to reach our goals when we set them ourselves.  Therefore, each student has set their own goal for the term that they can work towards.




Throughout the term, students will be held accountable to track their learning and improvements independently, in pairs and in whole-class discussions. Ultimately, each time a student feels they have improved, they will be recognised by the class and celebrated.  Ensuring all students are motivated to improve and work to achieve their goals!



Once students have recorded their goal, the goal remains on their table as a reminder. Throughout the term, they will engage in meaningful conversations with peers and the teacher to ensure they have opportunities to learn strategies, practice and improve on their chosen skill.  Once students have reached their goal they place it on the ‘Summit to Success’ mountain.


This not only recognises success but acts as a way to motivate the students and their peers.


We look forward to an inspiring term full of learning and our journey towards our summit of success!