Learning in J04

Junior School J04 Warn is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

In J04 we have been learning to identify different materials.  We have been exploring materials such as wood, glass, fabric, plastic and paper and have discussed their uses and why certain materials would be better suited for a particular purpose.

E.g. Why would our table be made from wood and not from paper?


We read the popular fable, The Three Little Pigs.  Each of the pigs builds a house to protect itself from the Big Bad Wolf.


We discussed:

The straw didn’t work.  Why?

The sticks didn’t work.  Why?

The bricks DID work.  Why?


The students came to the conclusion that it took longer for the brick house to be made and that the bricks are stronger.

The students were then set a challenge.


Build your own ‘house’ using craft materials that are ten or more block high that our Big Bad Wolf (a fan) can’t blow over.

The rich discussion during this construction and the teamwork that took place is a true credit to the learners in J04!


The ‘Big Bad Wolf’ is making an appearance this week.  Will their ‘houses’ stay up?